HCR2049 is a resolution proposing an amendment to the Arizona Constitution that would prohibit the imposition of taxes or fees based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) without voter consent. It aims to prevent any law or rule that monitors or limits vehicle miles of travel unless the person consents voluntarily. The resolution specifies that this prohibition does not apply to government-owned vehicles, travel reimbursements for employees, or interstate agreements related to fuel taxes or registration fees for commercial vehicles. The resolution requires the Secretary of State to submit the proposition to voters at the next general election, and if approved, it will become effective upon the Governor's proclamation.

The resolution also outlines that there is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation. It includes detailed provisions that clearly define what is prohibited, what is excluded from the prohibition, and the process for voter approval. The resolution is a response to concerns about privacy and autonomy in personal travel, aiming to ensure that any VMT tax or monitoring system would require explicit consent from Arizona residents.