SCR1041 is a resolution proposing an amendment to the Arizona Constitution regarding ballot measures and challenges to their constitutionality. The resolution, if approved by voters, would allow a person to contest the constitutionality of an initiative measure or amendment in superior court within 100 days before the election in which the measure or amendment is to appear. Additionally, it would prevent the Secretary of State from certifying or printing any measure or amendment on the ballot that a court of competent jurisdiction has found unconstitutional.
The resolution outlines the process for legal challenges, including the ability to appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court within five days of a superior court's judgment. It also includes a statement of legislative intent, explaining the rationale behind the amendment. The resolution requires the Secretary of State to submit the proposition to voters at the next general election, and it would become effective upon voter approval and proclamation by the Governor. The resolution was passed by the Committee of the Whole with amendments that added and corrected the statement of legislative intent and made technical changes.