The proposed bill amends sections 13-907 and 13-908 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, focusing on the restoration of civil rights for individuals who have completed their sentence for a felony conviction. Under the current law, a person who has completed probation or has been absolutely discharged from imprisonment and has paid all victim restitution is automatically restored their civil rights, except for the right to vote, which requires a separate application process.

The new bill language simplifies the restoration of voting rights by making it automatic upon the individual's final discharge, which is defined as the completion of probation or absolute discharge from imprisonment. This means that individuals who have completed their sentence will no longer need to apply to have their right to vote restored; it will be reinstated automatically. The bill retains the discretion of the judicial officer in restoring other civil rights for those with previous felony convictions or unpaid victim restitution.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version: 13-907, 13-908, 13-3101, 13-704, 13-706, 13-910