SCR1022 is a concurrent resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Arizona, specifically to Article IV, Part 1, Section 1. The purpose of the resolution is to constitutionally delegate to the Arizona Legislature and the people, through the power of initiative, the ability to enact laws concerning the practice of law. This means that both the Legislature and the public, via initiatives, would have the authority to create laws that would supersede any conflicting court rules and regulations regarding the practice of law.
The resolution outlines that there is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund from this legislation. If approved by the voters and proclaimed by the Governor, the amendment would become effective. The resolution requires the Secretary of State to submit the proposition to the voters at the next general election. The proposed amendment emphasizes that enactments by the Legislature or the people through initiative would take precedence over conflicting court rules and regulations, and it includes technical and conforming changes to support this delegation of authority.