SCR1020 is a resolution proposing an amendment to the Arizona Constitution regarding the state's general appropriation bill. The purpose of the amendment is to ensure continuity of government funding. It stipulates that if a new fiscal year begins without a new general appropriation bill signed into law, the previous fiscal year's general appropriation act will continue in effect until a new bill is enacted. This continuation is subject to adjustments by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) for inflation, enrollment growth, removal of one-time transfers and expenditures, and required debt service adjustments, specifically for programs administered by the Arizona Department of Education, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, and the Department of Economic Security.
The resolution outlines that the continuation of the previous fiscal year's general appropriation bill will not apply if, after adjustments, the appropriations exceed the projected General Fund revenues for the new fiscal year. The Legislature is authorized to enact laws to enforce this continuation. The resolution requires the Secretary of State to submit the proposition to voters at the next general election, and it will become effective upon voter approval and proclamation by the Governor. The fact sheet indicates no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund from this legislation.