SCR1015 is a resolution that, if approved by Arizona voters, would statutorily prescribe prohibited uses of public monies and grant standing to any Arizona qualified elector to bring suit against any public entity for the prohibited use of public monies. The resolution outlines specific activities that public entities are not allowed to support or become members of organizations that advocate for such activities. These include efforts to reduce meat or dairy consumption, replace motor vehicle travel with alternative transportation, limit air travel, restrict clothing purchases, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, limit global temperature increases, promote a circular economy, further Marxist ideologies, or implement mass surveillance systems to monitor motor vehicle travel. However, the Arizona Department of Transportation is exempted from the prohibition on using cameras to monitor motor vehicle travel on state and interstate highways.

The resolution also details the legal process for Arizona electors to challenge public entities that violate these prohibitions, including the right to request a jury or bench trial. If a public entity is found to have violated the resolution's terms, the court is required to permanently enjoin the actions in violation and award reasonable attorney fees and costs to the party who brought the action. The term "public entity" is defined within the resolution to include the state, its subdivisions, agencies, boards, commissions, departments, universities under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Board of Regents, and community college districts. The resolution must be submitted to the voters at the next general election and will become effective upon voter approval and proclamation by the Governor.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version:
Senate Engrossed Version: