The bill HB2612 amends existing Arizona election laws to establish that individuals convicted of ballot abuse are ineligible to hold or run for elected public office. Specifically, it stipulates that a person convicted of such violations must resign from their current office, resulting in the position being deemed vacant. This change aims to enhance the integrity of the electoral process by preventing those who have committed ballot abuse from participating in public office.
In addition to the new eligibility requirements, the bill also makes technical amendments to the definitions and classifications of ballot abuse violations. It clarifies the penalties associated with knowingly collecting or marking ballots with the intent to manipulate elections, and it specifies that certain individuals, such as election officials and postal service workers, are exempt from these classifications when performing their official duties. Overall, the bill seeks to strengthen the enforcement of election laws and ensure that those who violate them cannot hold positions of public trust.
Statutes affected: Introduced Version: 49-784
House Engrossed Version: 16-1005, 38-296.02
Senate Engrossed Version: 16-1005, 38-296.02