HCR2003 is a resolution urging support for the construction of for-sale housing developments outside of designated provider service areas, provided there is groundwater replenishment in compliance with assured water supply regulations. The resolution highlights the importance of home ownership and affordability to Arizona's economy and acknowledges the state's significant housing shortage, with a current need for 270,000 units to meet demand. It recognizes the role of homeowners in replenishing groundwater since 1995, ensuring that subdivisions built since then have met the active management area requirements of safe yield. The Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (CAGRD) is noted as the largest groundwater replenishment district in the country, enabling the construction of over 400,000 homes in the Tucson, Pinal, and Phoenix active management areas without impacting groundwater tables.

The resolution resolves that developments for sale should be permitted outside the service area of a designated provider if they are enrolled in the CAGRD and comply with groundwater replenishment requirements as mandated by the Phoenix, Pinal, and Tucson Active Management Arizona Assured Water Supply Rules. It also removes the previous requirement for voter approval. The resolution has been discussed and passed through various stages in the House, with the latest action being a third reading on February 28, 2024, where it passed with a vote of 31-28-0-0-1. The document was prepared by Senate Research on March 20, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version: 45-576.05