SB1088 is an emergency measure that seeks to permanently extend the Good Samaritan law in Arizona, which provides immunity from criminal prosecution for individuals who, in good faith, seek medical assistance for themselves or someone else experiencing a drug-related overdose. The current Good Samaritan protections are set to expire on July 1, 2023, but this bill would remove the sunset clause, thereby making the protections permanent. The bill will take effect upon the Governor's signature if the emergency clause is enacted.

Additionally, the bill proposes an amendment to section 28-1595 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, concerning transportation. It changes the language regarding the obligations of a person other than the driver of a motor vehicle when requested to provide identification to a peace officer or authorized agent. The amendment specifies that the person must provide their true full name and date of birth after being advised that refusal is unlawful and reduces the classification of the offense from a class 2 to a class 3 misdemeanor. It also clarifies that the person shall not be compelled to answer any other inquiries from the officer or agent.

Statutes affected:
House Engrossed Version: 28-1595