The bill amends existing laws regarding raffles by establishing the Arkansas Sports Raffle Act, which specifically allows institutions of higher education and their affiliated nonprofit organizations to conduct raffles for charitable, philanthropic, or educational purposes. It clarifies that these raffles are not regulated by the Charitable Bingo and Raffles Enabling Act and introduces provisions that permit the use of digital or electronic devices for conducting these raffles. Additionally, the bill outlines the purposes for which raffle funds can be utilized, including supporting student-athletes and enhancing the institution's athletic programs.
Furthermore, the bill includes amendments to various sections of Arkansas Code to exempt raffles conducted under the Arkansas Sports Raffle Act from certain gambling prohibitions related to alcoholic beverage permits. It also establishes an emergency clause, emphasizing the immediate need for this legislation to support economic development and education in the state. The act will take effect upon approval by the Governor or after the expiration of the veto period.
Statutes affected: HB 1634: 23-114-103(c), 3-4-403(19), 3-5-221(d), 3-5-307(5), 3-9-236(15)