This bill amends Arkansas Code 15-55-204 to designate the Oil and Gas Commission as the custodian of all property and the disbursing agent of all funds for the Office of the State Geologist. The bill outlines the responsibilities of the State Geologist, who is appointed by the Governor and reports to the Director of Production and Conservation and the Secretary of the Department of Energy and Environment. The State Geologist is tasked with administering provisions of the relevant subchapter and advising various state officials on geological matters.

Key changes in the bill include the deletion of the State Geologist's role as custodian of property and disbursing agent of funds, which is now assigned to the director of the Oil and Gas Commission. The language has been updated to clarify that the director will act as the custodian of all property and the disbursing agent for the office's funds, in consultation with the secretary. This restructuring aims to streamline the management of resources and responsibilities related to the Office of the State Geologist.