The resolution recognizes and honors Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for its significant contributions to communities at local, state, national, and global levels since its founding in 1914 at Howard University. The fraternity emphasizes the importance of judging individuals based on their merits and aims to serve the community by utilizing the skills of its members. Upholding the ideals of "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity," Phi Beta Sigma has established numerous chapters and initiatives, including the Phi Beta Sigma National Foundation and the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union.

Additionally, the fraternity is noted for its extensive volunteer efforts, mentoring programs, and scholarship contributions, amounting to over $1.2 million annually. The resolution highlights the notable members of Phi Beta Sigma, including influential figures in various fields such as science, politics, and entertainment. The Senate of the Ninety-Fifth General Assembly of the State of Arkansas expresses its appreciation for the fraternity's enduring impact and contributions, and a copy of the resolution will be provided to its leaders.