The resolution expresses support for Arkansas's involvement in the Crisis Recovery Support Network, coordinated by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing long-term recovery following natural disasters, school shootings, and public emergencies, rather than focusing solely on immediate responses. The resolution highlights the challenges faced by rural schools and postsecondary institutions, which often have limited counseling resources and may struggle to provide sustained support for students and staff during the recovery phase. It underscores the need for external support, specialized training for counselors, and the critical role that adequate post-crisis support plays in students' academic success and overall well-being.
The resolution calls for the SREB to collaborate with various stakeholders, including governors' offices and local education agencies, to enhance existing crisis management efforts by deploying trained counselors to schools and institutions in need. It also outlines the SREB's responsibility to hire a coordinator for the Crisis Recovery Support Network and cover travel costs for counselors involved in training and deployment. By supporting this coordinated, region-wide effort, the resolution aims to ensure that schools have the necessary counseling capacity to address the long-term psychological needs of their communities following a crisis.