The proposed bill aims to authorize advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in Arkansas to delegate specific nursing tasks to qualified medical assistants and other unlicensed healthcare workers. The new section added to Arkansas Code Title 17, Chapter 87, Subchapter 1, outlines that APRNs can delegate tasks such as the administration of medications and immunizations, as well as phlebotomy activities, provided these tasks do not require specialized judgment. The bill emphasizes that while APRNs can delegate these tasks, they remain responsible for the actions of the healthcare workers performing them, and those workers must not present themselves as licensed nurses.
Additionally, the bill mandates that the Arkansas State Board of Nursing will establish rules regarding the delegation process, including the conditions under which delegation is appropriate, training requirements for those performing the tasks, and other relevant standards. It also clarifies that individuals who are not authorized to perform nursing tasks cannot delegate those tasks to others, and specifically states that certified registered nurse anesthetists are not permitted to delegate the administration of anesthesia. The bill does not preempt or repeal any existing state laws that authorize individuals to perform specific tasks.