Stricken language will be deleted and underlined language will be added. Act 796 of the Regular Session 1 State of Arkansas As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 2 94th General Assembly A Bill 3 Regular Session, 2023 HOUSE BILL 1096 4 5 By: Joint Budget Committee 6 7 For An Act To Be Entitled 8 AN ACT TO MAKE AN APPROPRIATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS 9 GRANTS AND EXPENSES AND VARIOUS AGENCY TRANSFERS FOR 10 THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION - 11 DISBURSING OFFICER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 12 30, 2024; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 13 14 15 Subtitle 16 AN ACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND 17 ADMINISTRATION - DISBURSING OFFICER 18 APPROPRIATION FOR THE 2023-2024 FISCAL 19 YEAR. 20 21 22 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS: 23 24 SECTION 1. APPROPRIATION - STATE'S CONTRIBUTIONS. There is hereby 25 appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration, to be payable 26 from the Miscellaneous Agencies Fund Account, for disbursements for Arkansas' 27 contribution to various interstate organizations by the Department of Finance 28 and Administration - Disbursing Officer for the fiscal year ending June 30, 29 2024, the following: 30 31 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 32 NO. 2023-2024 33 (01) ASSOCIATION OF RACING COMMISSIONERS $21,000 34 (02) COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENT 169,000 35 (03) DELTA REGIONAL AUTHORITY 225,000 36 (04) FEDERATION OF TAX ADMINISTRATORS 20,000 *JAP010* 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 (05) INTERSTATE MINING COMPACT 18,890 2 (06) LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMPACT 5,000 3 (07) MULTI-STATE TAX COMMISSION 300,000 4 (08) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ATTORNEYS 5 GENERAL 52,500 6 (09) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE BUDGET 7 OFFICERS 24,500 8 (10) NATIONAL CENTER FOR STATE COURTS 154,500 9 (11) NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INSURANCE 10 LEGISLATORS 20,000 11 (12) NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE 12 LEGISLATURES 185,000 13 (13) NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNIFORM STATE 14 LAWS 50,000 15 (14) NATIONAL GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION 85,000 16 (15) SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDUCATION BOARD 224,000 17 (16) SOUTHERN STATES ENERGY BOARD 32,000 18 (17) STATE AND LOCAL LEGAL CENTER 6,900 19 (18) THE ENERGY COUNCIL 38,400 20 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $1,631,690 21 22 SECTION 2. APPROPRIATION - MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS. There is hereby 23 appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration, to be payable 24 from the Miscellaneous State Treasury Funds, for providing constitutional 25 officers and various state agencies with supplemental appropriations by the 26 Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing Officer for the fiscal 27 year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 28 29 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 30 NO. 2023-2024 31 (01) REFUND TO EXPENDITURES $1,000,000 32 (02) PERSONAL SERVICES EXTRA HELP 3,500,000 33 (03) PERSONAL SERVICES OVERTIME 10,000,000 34 (04) PERSONAL SERVICES STIPENDS 550,000 35 (05) PERSONAL SERVICES-PAYPLAN ADJUSTMENT 88,500,000 36 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $103,550,000 2 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 2 SECTION 3. APPROPRIATION - MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS AND EXPENSES. There is 3 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration, to be 4 payable from the Miscellaneous Agencies Fund Account, for miscellaneous 5 grants and expenses of the Department of Finance and Administration - 6 Disbursing Officer for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 7 8 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 9 NO. 2023-2024 10 (01) AGA/VOCATIONAL PROGRAM CERTIFICATION 11 EXPENSES $10,000 12 (02) AR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CONSORTIUM 150,000 13 (03) BABY SHARON'S CHILDREN'S CATASTROPHIC 14 ILLNESS GRANT PROGRAM 50,000 15 (04) INTERSTATE PLANNING GRANTS 90,000 16 (05) INTRASTATE METRO PLANNING GRANTS 90,000 17 (06) MID-AMERICA MUSEUM GRANT 50,000 18 (07) MUSEUM OF DISCOVERY GRANT 50,000 19 (08) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT GRANTS 360,000 20 (09) PUBLIC DEFENDER REIMBURSEMENT 34,372 21 (10) INNOVATION & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 229,034 22 (11) MORGAN NICK FOUNDATION 400,000 23 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $1,513,406 24 25 SECTION 4. APPROPRIATION - FIREMEN'S AND POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION AND 26 RELIEF FUND. There is hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and 27 Administration, to be payable from the Firemen's and Police Officers' Pension 28 and Relief Fund, for payment of Firemen's and Police Officers' Pension and 29 Relief Fund taxes for municipal fire and police relief and pension funds by 30 the Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing Officer for the 31 fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 32 33 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 34 NO. 2023-2024 35 (01) PENSION AND RELIEF FUNDS $68,400,000 36 3 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 SECTION 5. APPROPRIATION - MISCELLANEOUS FEDERAL PROGRAMS. There is 2 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 3 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from any unanticipated Miscellaneous 4 Federal Program Funds received by the State of Arkansas or any of its 5 agencies which are deposited in the State Treasury, for transfer to state 6 agencies as provided by law for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the 7 following: 8 9 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 10 NO. 2023-2024 11 (01) MISCELLANEOUS FEDERAL GRANTS $2,000,000,000 12 (02) MISCELLANEOUS WORKFORCE INVESTMENT 13 PROGRAMS 100,000,000 14 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $2,100,000,000 15 16 SECTION 6. APPROPRIATION - DISASTER ASSISTANCE GRANTS. There is hereby 17 appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing 18 Officer, to be payable from the Disaster Assistance Fund, for provision of 19 disaster grants as authorized by the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 and for 20 complying with the Arkansas Emergency Services Act of 1973 (Arkansas Code 12- 21 75-101 et seq.) by the Office of Emergency Services for the fiscal year 22 ending June 30, 2024, the following: 23 24 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 25 NO. 2023-2024 26 (01) DISASTER ASSISTANCE GRANTS $16,250,000 27 28 SECTION 7. APPROPRIATION - UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION CLAIMS. There is 29 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 30 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from the Unemployment Compensation Trust 31 Fund, for paying unemployment compensation claims in accordance with the 32 Employment Security Amendments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the 33 following: 34 35 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 36 NO. 2023-2024 4 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 (01) UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION $8,000,000 2 3 SECTION 8. APPROPRIATION - MARKETING AND REDISTRIBUTION. There is 4 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 5 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from the Property Sales Holding Fund, for 6 state agencies, counties, municipalities or other local governmental units 7 for expending or disbursing the net proceeds from property sold through the 8 Marketing and Redistribution Division of the Department of Transformation and 9 Shared Services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 10 11 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 12 NO. 2023-2024 13 (01) MARKETING AND REDISTRIBUTION PROGRAM $4,500,000 14 15 SECTION 9. APPROPRIATION - CHILD ABUSE/ RAPE/ DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 16 CONTRACT. There is hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and 17 Administration, to be payable from the Miscellaneous Agencies Fund Account, 18 for personal services reimbursement and expenses of the Child Abuse/ Rape/ 19 Domestic Violence Section of the University of Arkansas - Medical Sciences by 20 the Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing Officer for the 21 fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 22 23 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 24 NO. 2023-2024 25 (01) PERSONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AND 26 EXPENSES $363,767 27 28 SECTION 10. APPROPRIATION - CHILD WELFARE RESTRUCTURING. There is 29 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 30 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from the Miscellaneous Agencies Fund 31 Account, for payment of contractual services by the Child Abuse/ Rape/ 32 Domestic Violence Section of the University of Arkansas - Medical Sciences to 33 assist multi-disciplinary task coordinators throughout the state to review 34 and process child abuse complaints for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, 35 the following: 36 5 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 2 NO. 2023-2024 3 (01) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $274,400 4 5 SECTION 11. APPROPRIATION - INFORMATION NETWORK OF ARKANSAS. There is 6 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration, to be 7 payable from the Information Network of Arkansas Fund, for operating expenses 8 of the Information Network of Arkansas and other state government technology 9 initiatives approved by the Information Network of Arkansas Board by the 10 Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing Officer for the fiscal 11 year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 12 13 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 14 NO. 2023-2024 15 (01) MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS $1,000,000 16 17 SECTION 12. APPROPRIATION - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE FUND. There is 18 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration, to be 19 payable from the State Administration of Justice Fund, for distribution to 20 state programs and agencies and reimbursement/ refunds to state, cities and 21 counties of court costs and filing fees remitted by the cities and counties 22 by the Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing Officer for the 23 fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 24 25 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 26 NO. 2023-2024 27 (01) STATE AGENCIES DISTRIBUTION $39,309,767 28 (02) REFUNDS-STATE/COUNTY/CITY 5,000,000 29 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROPRIATED $44,309,767 30 31 SECTION 13. APPROPRIATION - ARKANSAS SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION. There is 32 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 33 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from the Arkansas Counties Alcohol and Drug 34 Abuse and Crime Prevention Program Fund, for grants to the Arkansas Sheriffs' 35 Association to be used for the establishment and operation of crime 36 prevention and alcohol and drug abuse programs and for a grant to the 6 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 Arkansas Sheriffs' Association to study ways to improve the administration of 2 sheriffs' offices and developing and improving educational programs in 3 Arkansas for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 4 5 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 6 NO. 2023-2024 7 (01) ARKANSAS SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION $600,000 8 9 SECTION 14. APPROPRIATION - DRUG ENFORCEMENT AND EDUCATION. There is 10 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 11 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from the Special State Assets Forfeiture 12 Fund, for the purpose as defined by Arkansas Code ยง 5-64-505 for the fiscal 13 year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 14 15 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 16 NO. 2023-2024 17 (01) DRUG ENFORCEMENT, EDUCATION, 18 TREATMENT AND RELATED PURPOSES $2,000,000 19 20 SECTION 15. APPROPRIATION - BABY SHARON ACT GRANTS. There is hereby 21 appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - Disbursing 22 Officer, to be payable from the Baby Sharon's Children's Catastrophic Illness 23 Grant Program Trust Fund, for grants to the Baby Sharon's Children's 24 Catastrophic Illness Grant Program Committee to assist with the medical 25 expenses incurred by families of children with catastrophic illnesses or 26 injuries by awarding grants to the families who are liable for the medical 27 expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the following: 28 29 ITEM FISCAL YEAR 30 NO. 2023-2024 31 (01) "BABY SHARON ACT" GRANTS $2,000,000 32 33 SECTION 16. APPROPRIATION - ORGAN DONATION EDUCATION GRANTS. There is 34 hereby appropriated, to the Department of Finance and Administration - 35 Disbursing Officer, to be payable from the Organ Donation Trust Fund, for 36 grant funds to the Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency, or its successor 7 04-05-2023 15:09:07 JAP010 As Engrossed: H3/29/23 H4/3/23 H4/5/23 HB1096 1 agency, to be used for educational or informational materials and other 2 related costs to inform and educate the public about organ donations and 3 organ donation awareness for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the 4 following: