Under existing law, a high school student may dual enroll in college courses in certain circumstances. This bill would create the Move on When Ready Act and establish a program allowing eligible 11th and 12th grade students admitted unconditionally to an eligible two-year public institution of higher education to take a full schedule of courses at that institution and receive high school credit for the postsecondary coursework. This bill would create the Move on When Ready Fund and authorize the Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) to use the fund to pay a two-year institution of higher education for courses taken pursuant to the program and would provide for the calculation of that funding. This bill would prohibit a two-year institution of higher education from charging a student for postsecondary coursework taken pursuant to the program. This bill would authorize the State Board of Education, in collaboration with the ACCS Board of Trustees, to adopt rules. This bill would also create criminal penalties for any person who enables a two-year institution of higher education to wrongfully obtain payments under this program.