The resolution emphasizes the importance of prioritizing long-term recovery efforts following natural disasters, school shootings, and public emergencies, rather than focusing solely on immediate responses. It highlights the challenges faced by states, districts, and postsecondary institutions, particularly in rural areas, where there is often a lack of counselors and resources to support students, teachers, and the broader community during the recovery phase. The resolution points out that school counselors, who are expected to assist students in the aftermath of crises, may also be dealing with their own emotional challenges, necessitating external support for the entire school community.
To address these needs, the resolution calls for the establishment of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Crisis Recovery Support Network, which aims to provide coordinated, long-term counseling resources that can be deployed immediately after a crisis is managed. The SREB will work in collaboration with various stakeholders, including governors' offices and local education agencies, to enhance existing crisis management efforts by focusing on long-term healing and psychological resilience. The initiative will involve hiring a coordinator for the network and covering travel costs for counselors during their training and deployment, ultimately supporting the recovery and academic success of students in affected communities.