The resolution from the Alabama House of Representatives, dated Wednesday, May 8, 2024, establishes a special order of business for the twenty-ninth legislative day. This order of business takes precedence over the regular agenda and will continue on subsequent days until the specified bills are addressed. The resolution outlines that the following business will be the focus: insurance fraud statute of limitations and powers of arrest for the Insurance Fraud Unit (SB65), revisions to retirement benefits recovery actions (SB32), prohibition of adverse actions by licensing boards for recommending off-label medical treatments and the requirement for patient informed consent (SB72), exemption from filing fees for certain qualified domestic relations orders (SB84), amendments to the articles of incorporation for Capital Improvement Cooperative Districts (SB327), provisions for the employment of assistant superintendents and other educational roles by local boards of education (SB33), creation of an inland port and intermodal grant fund (SB60), extension of the assessment period for emergency medical transport providers (SB199), and regulations for the use of vehicles equipped with automated driving systems (SB226).
The resolution prioritizes these bills over other pending or unfinished business, with the exception of first readings on House bills and reports from standing committees. The bills cover a range of topics, including insurance fraud, retirement benefits, medical treatment regulations, legal exemptions for certain orders, capital improvement district regulations, employment contracts in public education, funding for port facilities, emergency medical transport assessments, and the use of automated driving systems in motor vehicles. The resolution ensures that these matters will be the central focus of the legislative session until they are resolved.