The Legislature of Alabama has passed Act 2024-128, mandating a study on modernizing K-12 education funding, which was signed into law by the Governor on April 30, 2024. The act acknowledges the need for a more flexible approach to align state education funding with local needs and explores the possibility of shifting from a resource-based to a student-based funding model. To conduct this study, the Legislative Study Commission on Modernizing K-12 School Education Funding has been established, consisting of members from both the House of Representatives Ways and Means Education Standing Committee and the Senate Finance and Taxation Education Standing Committee.

The commission is tasked with examining the potential costs, budget implications, and necessary legal changes associated with transitioning to a student-based funding model. This includes evaluating changes to the tax and revenue structure to support such a model. The commission will be co-chaired by the chairs of the two standing committees and will receive administrative support from the Fiscal Division of the Legislative Services Agency, the Clerk of the House, and the Secretary of the Senate. The commission must provide meeting notices, member lists, and reports to the Secretary of State. Members will receive compensation for their participation. The commission is required to submit a report with findings, recommendations, and any proposed legislation to the Legislature by February 1, 2025, after which it will be dissolved.