The bill presented is an act to allocate supplemental appropriations from the Opioid Treatment and Abatement Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, amounting to $30,000,000. The funds are to be distributed to various entities for specific purposes related to opioid treatment, prevention, and recovery services. Notable allocations include $1,000,000 to the Department of Corrections for medication for opioid use disorders in state prisons, $5,490,000 to the Board of Pardons and Paroles for substance abuse disorder treatment and services, and $20,510,000 to the Department of Mental Health for various programs including the 988 Crisis Line and prevention, treatment, and recovery grants. Additional funds are appropriated to Auburn University College of Pharmacy, the University of Alabama at Birmingham for psychiatry residencies, and the Department of Public Health for the purchase of Naloxone.

The bill specifies that any unexpended funds by the end of the fiscal year will not revert but will be carried forward for the appropriated purpose. The act is set to become effective immediately upon passage and approval by the Governor or otherwise becoming law. The bill also includes an insertion marking the date it passed the Senate, which is May 8, 2024.