The resolution from the Alabama House of Representatives, dated Thursday, April 18, 2024, outlines the special and paramount order of business for the twenty-third legislative day. This order of business takes precedence over the regular order or any pending or unfinished business. The resolution lists a series of bills that are to be addressed, including HB346 which establishes the Alabama Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act, HB358 which relates to child care and workforce development through employer and child care provider tax credits, and several others concerning various aspects of state governance and public policy.

Among the bills listed are SB247, the Alabama Workforce Transformation Act; SB252, the Alabama Growth Alliance Bill; SB253, the Alabama Workforce Pathways Act, which offers different pathways for high school diplomas based on future career plans; and HB418, which concerns the State Licensing Board for General Contractors. Other bills address issues such as the early enrollment of transferring military children with special needs in public K-12 education (HB292), the Alabama Crime Victims Compensation Commission (HB334), the replacement of the International Symbol of Access with the Dynamic Accessibility Symbol on motor vehicle registrations (HB285), and the increase of salaries for District Attorneys (HB399). The resolution also includes bills on juvenile jurisdiction (HB260), prohibition of cultured animal cell meat products (SB23), increased penalties for child labor law violations (SB119), parental consent for minors' vaccines (HB165), and various other legislative matters.