The resolution establishes the State Employee and Education Employee Health Insurance Joint Interim Study Commission to evaluate the health insurance benefits provided to state employees, education personnel, and teachers in Alabama. The commission is tasked with determining whether these benefits are competitive with those in surrounding states and the private sector, and whether there could be cost savings or increased efficiency by consolidating the administrative functions of the health insurance plans under a single board. The commission will be composed of various appointed members, including representatives from the State Employees' Insurance Board, the Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Board, and legislative members, ensuring a diverse representation reflective of the state's demographics.
The commission is instructed to compare Alabama's health insurance plans with those of similar employees in southeastern states, analyze the fiscal impact and potential efficiencies of administrative consolidation, assess the sustainability of proposed modifications, and compare health insurance obligations to state budget projections. The commission will receive necessary support from the Senate and the Legislative Services Agency and must report its findings and proposed legislation to the Legislature by January 1, 2025, after which it will be dissolved. Members of the commission will receive compensation for their participation, and the commission's findings will potentially influence future legislative actions regarding state employee health insurance.