The resolution continues the existence of the Alabama Opioid Overdose and Addiction Council, which was established by Governor Kay Ivey in 2017 through Executive Order No. 708. The Council was created to address the opioid crisis in Alabama by developing a strategic plan to reduce opioid-related deaths and adverse consequences. The Council and its committees have been working on various strategies to combat the crisis, including harm reduction, overdose prevention, and improving access to treatment for substance use disorders. Their efforts, in collaboration with the recovery community, have been credited with saving lives.

The resolution specifies that the Council's leadership and membership will remain intact and that the Council will continue to meet and study the opioid crisis, monitor the strategic action plan's implementation, and provide updates and recommendations to the Governor. Non-legislative members of the Council may be reimbursed for expenses incurred while fulfilling their duties, while legislative members are entitled to their regular compensation, per diem, and travel expenses for attending meetings. These payments are to be made from funds appropriated to the Legislature, with the stipulation that no member will receive additional compensation if the Legislature is in session or if they are receiving payment for other state business on the same dates.