This bill pertains to the process of parole hearings in Alabama, specifically allowing inmates the option to attend their parole hearings virtually. The bill mandates that inmates be permitted to participate in their parole hearings using video conference or other similar communication equipment, enabling them to see and hear the members of the Parole Board. However, it explicitly states that inmates will not be allowed to see, hear, or interact with victims, victims' families, or crime victim advocates who are addressing the board or attending the hearing.

Additionally, the bill outlines that if there are any interruptions or failures in the electronic communications during a hearing, the hearing must be suspended until the communication is restored. It also provides inmates with the right to waive the option of attending the hearing virtually. The act is set to become effective on October 1, 2024. There are no insertions or deletions marked in the provided text, indicating that this bill introduces new provisions to the current law without modifying existing language.