This resolution honors the life and contributions of Essie Holmes Willis, who was born on December 23, 1933, in Dayton, Alabama. It acknowledges her journey from her birthplace to Brighton, Alabama, where she pursued her education and later married John R. Willis on January 19, 1952. The couple had four children, and their enduring love and commitment are celebrated. Essie Holmes Willis is recognized for her over 50 years of active involvement in the Shiloh Baptist Church, where she served in various capacities, including the choir, youth mentorship, and Bible study school.

Essie Holmes Willis's professional life included 15 years at the Booker T. Washington Insurance Company and service at the Jefferson County Health Department until her retirement on April 9, 1998. The resolution expresses deep gratitude for her dedication to her family, church, and community, and acknowledges the impact of her 90 years of exemplary life. It concludes by recording her death with sadness and extends sympathy to her family, sharing their grief with many others who were touched by her life. The resolution serves as a tribute to Essie Holmes Willis's legacy of love, service, and faith.