The resolution acknowledges the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) as a premier organization dedicated to supporting state and territorial legislators and staff since its inception in 1975. The NCSL, a bipartisan entity, emerged from the merger of three organizations and aims to enhance the effectiveness, independence, and integrity of state legislatures, promote interstate cooperation, and provide states with a unified voice in the federal system. It is recognized for facilitating the exchange of ideas, providing research, and encouraging the review of complex issues, as well as for strengthening international ties between state legislatures.

The resolution also highlights the significant involvement of Alabama in the NCSL since its beginning, with various Alabama legislators and staff members having served in leadership and committee roles within the organization. Notably, McDowell Lee, former Secretary of the Alabama Senate, was a founding member of the NCSL Executive Committee and held various positions, including Staff Vice President. The resolution concludes by commending the NCSL for its leadership and commitment to legislative institutions and directs the Secretary of the Senate to send a copy of the resolution to the NCSL as a formal gesture of recognition.