SB137 Enrolled is a comprehensive bill that restructures the regulatory framework for massage therapy in Alabama. It dissolves the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy and creates the Alabama Massage Therapy Licensing Board, transferring all responsibilities, records, and property to the new board. The Board of Nursing will oversee the new board until it becomes fully operational by October 1, 2026. The bill introduces a new chapter in the Alabama Code, defining key terms and regulated activities for massage therapy, and repeals the previous chapter governing the profession. It specifies exemptions for certain individuals from licensing requirements and outlines the composition and duties of the new licensing board, including the qualification of applicants, educational standards, and professional conduct rules. The board's funding will come from fees and licenses, and board members will have immunity for actions performed in good faith.

The bill sets licensing requirements for massage therapists, including education, examination, background checks, and fees. It prohibits massage therapists from working in sexually-oriented businesses and advertising services outside their expertise unless in conjunction with licensed health professionals. The bill also details the application process for massage therapy establishments, emphasizing the prohibition of sexually-oriented businesses and the need for initial inspections. Licenses must be displayed and are considered property of the board. The bill establishes a fund for the board's receipts and outlines the grounds for disciplinary actions, including suspension and revocation of licenses for various offenses. Additionally, the bill mandates criminal history background checks for applicants and licensees, with confidentiality provisions for the results. It sets forth reporting requirements for violations, penalties for unlicensed practice, and the regulation of massage therapy schools and instructors. The act will take effect on June 1, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Engrossed: 34-43-1, 34-43-21