The bill mandates the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH) to collaborate with the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA) to create a comprehensive plan for addressing the behavioral health needs of Alabama veterans. It establishes the Veterans Mental Health Steering Committee, which will include representatives from various departments and organizations, to develop this plan. The committee is required to review the current state of veterans' mental health services and identify gaps, with a deadline to present the plan to the relevant legislative committees and the Governor by specific dates in 2025. The bill also allows for the creation of pilot projects to provide evidence-based services for veterans, such as PTSD treatment and TBI screenings, contingent upon legislative appropriation of funds. Insertions in the bill include the enrollment of the act and definitions of terms, roles, and procedures for the comprehensive plan and pilot projects.

Additionally, the bill outlines the authority of ADMH to recover funds from recipients who fail to meet the requirements of the act and to provide updates and annual reports to the overseeing committee. The committee has the power to review the implementation progress and make formal recommendations, which ADMH must align with state and national standards and submit to the Governor for approval. The act, which does not affect the existing powers of ADMH, is set to become effective on June 1, 2024, and has been certified by the Secretary of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives after passing both legislative bodies.