The bill, titled "An Act," pertains to the field of aviation, specifically focusing on advanced air mobility. It mandates the Alabama Department of Transportation to undertake certain actions related to this emerging sector. The bill defines "powered-lift aircraft" as heavier-than-air aircraft capable of vertical takeoff, landing, and low-speed flight, primarily relying on engine-driven lift devices or engine thrust. It also defines "vertiport" as a designated area for the takeoff and landing of such aircraft. The Department of Transportation is tasked with developing a statewide plan that includes vertiports, electric aviation charging, and infrastructure needs for advancing aviation technology. The bill specifies that no existing state revenues from the Public Road and Bridge Fund, the Rebuild Alabama Fund, or other state funds used for federal matching purposes shall be allocated for developing or updating this plan or for providing educational or technical resources to local or regional jurisdictions.

Additionally, the bill restricts political subdivisions of the state, other than airport operators, from enacting laws, ordinances, regulations, or rules related to advanced air mobility, ensuring that such regulations are uniform across the state. Airport operators are permitted to enact regulations concerning advanced air mobility, but only within their geographical jurisdiction. The act is set to become effective on October 1, 2024. The bill has been enrolled and includes insertions marking the dates when the Senate amended and passed the bill (08-May-24) and when the House concurred in the Senate amendment (08-May-24).