The bill, identified as HB175 Enrolled, authorizes the City Council of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to increase the ad valorem tax rate for public school purposes. The increase is allowed under Section 217 of the Alabama Constitution of 2022, and it permits the city to raise the tax rate to a maximum of $2.50 per $100 of assessed property value, which equates to 25.0 mills on each dollar. This represents an increase of up to 11.5 mills from the current rate of 13.5 mills on each dollar of assessed value.

The bill outlines the definitions relevant to the act, including the terms "ad valorem tax," "Alabama Constitution," "Amendment No. 325," "Amendment No. 373," "City" (referring to the City of Tuscaloosa), "City Council," "School Board," and "School Funding Proposal." The increase in the ad valorem tax rate is contingent upon the approval of a majority of qualified electors in the city voting in favor of the proposed increase at a special election. The act will become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming law. The Senate passed the bill on April 25, 2024, as indicated by the insertion in the text.