HB145 Enrolled is a comprehensive legislative bill that appropriates funds for the support, maintenance, and development of public education in Alabama for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025. The bill details specific appropriations from various funds in the State Treasury, including the Education Trust Fund (ETF) and other specified funds, for different departments and programs within the Legislative and Executive branches. It highlights appropriations for programs such as the Farm to School Program, Men's Hall of Fame, Alabama Center for the Arts, public charter school startup funding grants, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and the Industrial Development Training Institute Program. The bill includes insertions of legal language regarding the sources of funds and authorizes the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts to examine appropriations for compliance with state laws.

The bill also addresses workforce development, including the creation of a Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Pilot Program and the expansion of the West Alabama Works Center for Modern Manufacturing. It specifies appropriations for the Community College System Board of Trustees, Alabama, with allocations for operations and maintenance, community college programs, and initiatives such as building renovations, technology and manufacturing programs, and workforce development. The bill mandates semi-annual reporting by the Secretary of the Department of Commerce on the allocation of funds for workforce training, including demographic information about the trainees and the diversity of contracted training providers.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 41-4-80, 41-19-1
Engrossed: 41-4-80, 41-19-1
Enrolled: 41-4-80, 41-19-1