The bill, known as the Zachary Thomas Newborn Screening Act, aims to amend Section 22-20-3 and add Section 22-20-3.2 to the Code of Alabama 1975, enhancing the state's newborn screening program. The bill establishes legislative findings that recognize the importance of screening newborns for conditions listed on the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) and commits to adding RUSP conditions to Alabama's Newborn Screening Panel. It outlines the duty of healthcare providers to test newborns for diseases with a known family history and for conditions on the Newborn Screening Panel, including genetic, metabolic, or other heritable diseases approved by the Alabama State Board of Health. The bill also specifies that testing is subject to parental consent and that healthcare providers are not liable if parents object to testing on religious grounds.
The bill requires the State Board of Health to adopt rules for the care and treatment of newborns with positive test results and to collect fees for the screening program. It mandates that conditions approved by the RUSP be added to the Newborn Screening Panel within 36 months of RUSP approval, with a deadline of October 1, 2027, for conditions added to the RUSP prior to January 1, 2024. If a condition is not added within the required timeframe, the board must provide written notice explaining the delay. The bill also conditions the testing for heritable diseases on the availability of funding and workforce in the State Laboratory. The act is set to become effective on October 1, 2024.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 22-20-3, 22-20-3
Enrolled: 22-20-3, 22-20-3