The bill proposes an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 2022, specifically concerning Jackson County. It aims to authorize mayors of municipalities within the county to participate in the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama under the same terms and conditions as other employees who are part of the same retirement system. The bill includes an insertion that marks the bill as "Enrolled," and it also specifies that any mayor in office at the time of the amendment's ratification will be eligible to purchase service credit for the time served in their current office. It is important to note that individuals cannot participate in both a supernumerary program and the Employees' Retirement System based on the same service.
The bill outlines the process for the proposed amendment to be voted on, including the assignment of a ballot number and the provision of a description for voters. The description will inform voters that the amendment relates to allowing mayors in Jackson County to join the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama with the same conditions as other employees. The bill also includes an insertion of the date "02-May-24," indicating when the Senate passed the bill. The bill requires that all procedures and constitutional provisions be fulfilled for the amendment to become valid.