Under existing law, fire-protection personnel undergo training prior to permanent employment. This bill would require that pre-employment training for fire-protection personnel include training on interacting with individuals with sensory needs or invisible disabilities. Under existing law, certified volunteer firefighters undergo training prior to certification. This bill would require pre-certification training for volunteer firefighters to include training on interacting with individuals with sensory needs or invisible disabilities. This bill would require each fire-protection personnel and certified volunteer firefighter to undergo annual training on interacting with individuals with sensory needs or invisible disabilities. This bill would exclude non-certified volunteer firefighters and employees of the Alabama State Forestry Commission from training requirements related to interacting with individuals with sensory needs or invisible disabilities. This bill would allow non-certified volunteer firefighters to voluntarily undergo training about interacting with individuals with sensory needs or invisible disabilities. This bill would also require the Alabama Firefighters' Personnel Standards and Education Commission to collaborate with a nonprofit company to provide the training without compensation.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 36-32-7, 36-32-7