Under existing law, classroom instructions or discussions may not be provided to public school students in kindergarten through fifth grade in a manner that is not age or developmentally appropriate. This bill would provide that classroom instruction or discussions related to gender identity or sexual orientation may not be provided to public school students in kindergarten through eighth grade or to public school students in a manner that is not age or developmentally appropriate. This bill would require the State Board of Education to adopt procedures for notifying a student's parent if there is a change in the student's services or monitoring relating to the student's mental, emotional, or physical health, and would prohibit local boards of education from adopting policies to the contrary. This bill would require each local board of education, at the beginning of each school year, to notify parents of the health care services available to students, and allow parents to opt their child out of any health care service. This bill would provide that a local board of education shall obtain a parent's permission before HB354 HB354 INTRODUCED INTRODUCED administering certain health screenings or questionnaires to a student. This bill would also provide that, if a parent is concerned with his or her child's school as it pertains to this bill, he or she may notify the principal of the concern and, if the concern is not resolved, seek the appointment of a special magistrate appointed by the State Superintendent of Education to recommend a resolution to the issue or bring a cause of action against the local board of education.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 16-40A-5, 16-40A-5