This bill establishes a sexual assault examination kit tracking system in Alaska, enhancing the rights of victims and ensuring timely processing of evidence. It amends existing laws to include a new right for victims to be notified of the location and testing date of their sexual assault examination kits. Additionally, it outlines the responsibilities of health care providers and law enforcement agencies regarding the collection, notification, and testing of these kits, specifying timelines for actions such as sending kits to accredited laboratories and notifying victims of testing results.
The bill also mandates the development of a tracking system by the Department of Public Safety, which will allow victims to access information about their kits and receive automated updates. The tracking system is designed to maintain confidentiality and is not considered a public record. Furthermore, the bill repeals a previous section of law and allows the Department of Public Safety to adopt necessary regulations for implementation, with immediate effect for the regulatory provisions.
Statutes affected: HB0062A, AM HB 62, introduced 01/22/2025: 12.61.010, 47.12.110, 12.55.175, 12.61.017, 12.47.095, 33.16.087, 33.16.120, 33.30.013, 44.41.065, 18.68.010, 12.36.090, 11.41.470, 44.41.067, 40.25.110, 40.25.140, 44.41.070