State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: HCS CSSB 179(RLS)
2024 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 3
(H) Publish Date: 5/14/2024
Identifier: SB179HCSCS(RLS)-DCCED-DCRA-05-12-24 Department: Department of Commerce, Community and
TAX Appropriation: Community and Regional Affairs
Sponsor: BJORKMAN Allocation: Community and Regional Affairs
Requester: (H) Rules OMB Component Number: 2879
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2025 Governor's
Appropriation FY2025 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2025 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fund Source (Operating Only)
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2024) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2025) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? No
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? yes
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? 06/30/26
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated to reflect committee updates, including property assessment; tax exemption for farm land/structures; and prohibiting
municipalities and the state from levying a sales and use tax on the transfer of real property.
Prepared By: Sandra Moller, Director Phone: (907)269-4569
Division: Community and Regional Affairs Date: 05/12/2024
Approved By: Hannah Lager, Administrative Services Director Date: 05/12/24
Agency: Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
Printed 5/13/2024 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: TwWjm
HCS CSSB 179(RLS) - Fiscal Note 3
This bill requires the department to adopt assessment standards consistent with those of the International Association of
Assessing Officers. Under this bill, assessors shall be required to determine the full and true value of property as of Janua ry
1st using standards adopted by the Department or by standards provided by ordinance. This bill requires an assessor with a
municipality to hold a level 3 certification from the Alaska Association of Assessing Officers, or work under the supervision
of someone with this certification. This bill directs the governing body, meaning a City Council or Borough Assembly to
appoint one or more boards of equalization for hearing an appeal from a determination of the assessor, and prohibits the
board of equalization from raising the property assessment within the current year unless requested to do so by the
appellant. A person receiving an assessment notice shall advise the assessor of errors or omissions and may request the
assessor meet with them and answer reasonable questions relating to the methods used to determine the assessment. The
meeting may be online or telephonic.
This bill allows inclusion of structures on farm use land that are used for farm operations as part of a farm unit to be
assessed on the basis of full and true value for farm use and may not be assessed as if subdivided or used for some other
nonfarm purpose. It allows a municipality to partially or totally exempt a farm structure used exclusively for farming activity,
or purposes directly related to farming activity from taxation, if the farm structure is owned or leased by a person that is
actively engaged in farming and that derives at least 10 percent of the person's yearly gross income from farming activity.
The property owner wishing to file for farm use classification having no history of farm-related income may submit a
declaration of intent at the time of filing the application with the assessor setting out the intended use of the land and is
certifying the intent to file an Internal Revenue Service Schedule F (Form 1040). Farm use is defined as products for sale
that exceed $1,000 in a tax year.
This bill prohibits municipalities and the state from levying a tax on the transfer of real property.
The Division of Community and Regional Affairs will need to update regulations to reflect the changes in this legislation, as
well as notify the public of the changes. Legal costs and the costs associated with the regulation update will be absorbed by
the division's existing budget.
(Revised 10/31/2023 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
SB179HCSCS(RLS)-DCCED-DCRA-05-12-24 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: TwWjm

Statutes affected:
SB0179A, AM SB 179, introduced 01/16/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 04.21.010, 29.45.750
SB0179B, AM CSSB 179(CRA), introduced 03/04/2024, passed Senate 04/03/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 04.21.010, 29.45.750, 34.70.200
SB0179C, AM HCS CSSB 179(CRA), introduced 04/26/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 04.21.010, 29.45.750, 34.70.200
SB0179D, AM HCS CSSB 179(RLS), introduced 05/14/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 29.45.050, 14.17.410, 29.35.460, 16.40.199, 29.45.060, 29.45.110, 29.45.230, 29.45.180, 29.45.200, 29.45.210, 04.21.010, 29.45.750, 34.70.200
SB0179Z, AM Enrolled SB 179, introduced 05/15/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 29.45.050, 14.17.410, 29.35.460, 16.40.199, 29.45.060, 29.45.110, 29.45.230, 29.45.180, 29.45.200, 29.45.210, 04.21.010, 29.45.750, 34.70.200
SB0179E, AM HCS CSSB 179(RLS) am H, introduced 05/14/2024, passed House 05/15/2024, passed Senate 05/15/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 29.45.050, 14.17.410, 29.35.460, 16.40.199, 29.45.060, 29.45.110, 29.45.230, 29.45.180, 29.45.200, 29.45.210, 04.21.010, 29.45.750, 34.70.200
SB0179B, AM CSSB 179(CRA), introduced 03/04/2024: 29.10.200, 29.45.650, 29.45.700, 04.21.010, 29.45.750, 34.70.200