State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: CSSB 127(FIN)
2024 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 2
(S) Publish Date: 3/13/2024
Identifier: SB127CS(TRA)-DOR-TAX-01-19-24 Department: Department of Revenue
Title: TAXATION: VEHICLE RENTALS, SUBPOENAS Appropriation: Taxation and Treasury
Sponsor: CLAMAN Allocation: Tax Division
Requester: SENATE TRANSPORTATION OMB Component Number: 2476
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2025 Governor's
Appropriation FY2025 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2025 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fund Source (Operating Only)
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change in Revenues
None *** *** *** *** *** ***
Total *** 0.0 *** *** *** *** ***
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2024) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2025) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? No
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? No
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed?
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated from SLA2023 to SLA2024 fiscal note template.
Prepared By: Brandon Spanos, Acting Director Phone: (907)269-6736
Division: Tax Division
REPORT Date: 01/19/2024 05:15 PM
Approved By: Eric DeMoulin, Administrative Services Director Date: 01/19/24
Agency: Department of Revenue
Printed 3/12/2024 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: dxjRK
CSSB 127(FIN) - Fiscal Note 2
Alaska currently imposes an excise tax under AS 43.52 on the lease or rental of passenger and recreational vehicles in the
state if the lease or rental of the vehicle does not exceed 90 consecutive days. The rate of the tax for passenger vehicles is
10% of the total fees and costs charged for the lease or rental of the passenger vehicle. The rate of the tax for recreational
vehicles is 3% of the total fees and costs charged for the lease or rental of the recreational vehicle. The current tax applies
broadly to nearly all short‐term rentals, including those executed via an online platform. However, because the platforms
do not report the transactions to the Department of Revenue, it is difficult to enforce the current tax on the individual
vehicle owners.
This bill would move the responsibility for collecting and remitting the tax from the individual owner to the vehicle rental
platform company if the lease or rental was arranged or executed through the platform. The Department of Revenue, Tax
Division is aware of at least four businesses arranging vehicle rentals in the State that do so online and have not paid the
vehicle rental tax. The bill would bring some additional revenue back into the general fund which has been eroded due to
the peer‐to‐peer vehicle rental platforms operating in the state. These companies are arranging rentals which have
historically been provided by traditional vehicle rental companies, which because they are the owners of the vehicles have
filed and paid the tax. This bill would take effect immediately.
Revenue Impact
The Department of Revenue has collected an average of $11.7 million in vehicle rental taxes over the past four years. The
revenue from the vehicle rental tax was $9.7 million in FY2020, $7.9 million in FY2021, $13.9 million in FY2022, and $15.1
million in FY2023. This bill would capture unreported vehicle rentals that are arranged or executed through a vehicle
rental platform and, therefore, would have a positive effect on revenue.
However, the Department of Revenue does not have enough data on peer‐to‐peer rental information in Alaska to provide
an estimated revenue impact. Therefore, the change in tax revenue is indeterminate.
Implementation Cost
This proposed legislation does not change the tax itself, it merely captures unreported vehicle rentals by requiring the
vehicle rental platform to collect and remit the tax. This bill would not require the Department of Revenue to make
changes to its Tax Revenue Management System (TRMS). Therefore, there would be no cost to the department for
implementation. Additional review and audit work would be absorbed by existing staff.
(Revised 10/31/2023 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
SB127CS(TRA)-DOR-TAX-01-19-24 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: dxjRK

Statutes affected:
SB0127A, AM SB 127, introduced 04/12/2023: 43.05.040, 43.52.050, 43.52.010, 43.52.099
SB0127B, AM CSSB 127(TRA), introduced 05/03/2023: 43.05.040, 43.52.050, 43.52.010, 43.52.099
SB0127C, AM CSSB 127(FIN), introduced 03/13/2024, passed House 05/10/2024, passed Senate 03/18/2024: 43.05.040, 43.52.020, 43.52.010, 43.52.050, 43.52.099
SB0127C, AM CSSB 127(FIN), introduced 03/13/2024: 43.05.040, 43.52.020, 43.52.010, 43.52.050, 43.52.099