Introduced: 4/10/23
Referred: House Special Committee on Ways and Means, Finance
1 "An Act relating to the taxation of income of individuals, partners, shareholders in S
2 corporations, trusts, and estates; repealing tax credits applied against the tax on
3 individuals under the Alaska Net Income Tax Act; and providing for an effective date."
5 * Section 1. AS 43.05.045(a) is amended to read:
6 (a) Except as provided in AS 43.22.075(h), or unless [UNLESS] an
7 exemption is granted under (b) of this section, a taxpayer required to submit a return
8 or report for a tax levied under this title or for any other tax administered by the
9 department shall submit the return or report electronically in a format prescribed by
10 the department. Failure to comply with this section may result in a civil penalty under
11 AS 43.05.220(f). If a law under this title requires a report or return or a portion of a
12 report or return to be in writing, an electronically filed report or return satisfies this
13 section. A taxpayer shall submit attachments to a report or return required under this
14 title electronically.
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1 * Sec. 2. AS 43 is amended by adding a new chapter to read:
2 Chapter 22. Income Tax.
3 Sec. 43.22.010. Income tax on individuals. (a) Each calendar year or fraction
4 of a calendar year, an income tax is imposed on the income of a
5 (1) resident individual, trust, or estate;
6 (2) nonresident individual, trust, or estate that is derived from or
7 connected with a source in the state.
8 (b) The tax under this section for an individual or individuals filing jointly is
9 two percent of taxable income over $200,000.
10 (c) Two resident individuals who file a joint federal income tax return may
11 determine the tax imposed by this chapter jointly under this section.
12 (d) Two individuals who file a joint federal income tax return both or one of
13 whom is not a resident may elect to determine the tax imposed by this chapter either
14 (1) individually; or
15 (2) jointly as if both individuals were residents; the income of the
16 individuals filing jointly under this paragraph is not subject to the calculation under
17 AS 43.22.015.
18 (e) In addition to the tax under (a) - (d) of this section, each individual who
19 has wages, net earnings from self-employment, or combined wages and net earnings
20 from self-employment in the state shall pay an annual tax of $20. In this subsection,
21 "net earnings from self-employment" has the meaning given in 26 U.S.C. 1402.
22 Sec. 43.22.015. Calculation of tax on a nonresident individual. (a) Except as
23 otherwise provided in (b) of this section, the tax on a nonresident individual is the
24 product of
25 (1) the tax determined under AS 43.22.010(b) on the nonresident
26 individual's taxable income computed as if the nonresident individual were a resident
27 individual but taking a deduction under AS 43.22.030(b)(2); and
28 (2) a fraction, the
29 (A) numerator of which is the nonresident individual's income
30 taxable under AS 43.22.045; and
31 (B) denominator of which is the nonresident individual's
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1 taxable income computed as if the nonresident individual were a resident
2 individual.
3 (b) If a nonresident individual's taxable income computed under (a)(2)(B) of
4 this section is less than the nonresident individual's income taxable under (a)(2)(A) of
5 this section, the tax imposed by this chapter is on the nonresident individual's taxable
6 income as computed under AS 43.22.045.
7 Sec. 43.22.020. Tax on trusts and estates. (a) A tax is imposed for each
8 taxable year or portion of a taxable year on the taxable income of a resident or
9 nonresident trust or estate. The tax under this section for a trust or estate is $20 plus
10 two percent of taxable income over $200,000.
11 (b) In this section, the taxable income of a nonresident trust or estate is the
12 income of the trust or estate that is derived from or connected with a source in the
13 state.
14 (c) A trust is not subject to tax under this chapter if
15 (1) all of the trustees of the trust are nonresidents;
16 (2) the entire corpus of the trust, including real, tangible, and
17 intangible property, is located outside the state; and
18 (3) no income or gains of the trust are derived from or connected with
19 a source in the state.
20 (d) For purposes of (c)(1) of this section, a trustee that is a nonresident
21 banking corporation at the time the banking corporation becomes a trustee is a
22 nonresident trustee even if the banking corporation later becomes a resident trustee
23 because it is acquired by or becomes an office or branch of a resident trustee.
24 (e) A trust that is exempt from federal income tax because of its purpose or
25 activities is not subject to tax under this chapter.
26 (f) A special needs trust or other trust established to provide solely for the
27 housing, living expenses, or medical care of a disabled beneficiary is not subject to tax
28 under this chapter. In this subsection,
29 (1) "disabled beneficiary" means an individual who has
30 (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
31 one or more major life activities; or
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1 (B) a condition that may require the use of a prosthesis, special
2 equipment for mobility, or a service animal;
3 (2) "special needs trust" has the meaning given in AS 13.36.215(b).
4 Sec. 43.22.025. Credit for income taxes imposed by other jurisdictions. (a)
5 A resident individual, trust, or estate or part-year resident individual, trust, or estate is
6 allowed a credit against the tax due under this chapter for an income tax that was
7 imposed on the resident or part-year resident for the taxable year by another state or
8 the political subdivision of another state on income derived from or connected with
9 that state or political subdivision.
10 (b) A credit allowed under (a) of this section
11 (1) for a resident individual, trust, or estate may not exceed the
12 individual's, trust's, or estate's tax due under this chapter before credits are applied,
13 multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the portion of the individual's,
14 trust's, or estate's taxable income that is derived from or connected with a source in
15 another state or the political subdivision of another state and the denominator of which
16 is the resident individual's, trust's, or estate's taxable income;
17 (2) for a part-year resident individual, trust, or estate may not exceed
18 the individual's, trust's, or estate's tax due for the period of state residency before
19 credits are applied, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the individual's,
20 trust's, or estate's taxable income derived from or connected with a source in another
21 state or the political subdivision of another state during the period of state residency
22 and the denominator of which is the part-year resident individual's, trust's, or estate's
23 taxable income during the period of state residency;
24 (3) may not reduce the tax due under this chapter to less than the tax
25 that would have been due if the income derived from or connected with a source in
26 another state or the political subdivision of another state and subject to taxation by the
27 other state or political subdivision had been excluded from the resident or part-year
28 resident individual's, trust's, or estate's taxable income during the calculation of tax
29 under this chapter before the application of credits.
30 (c) If the tax administration of another state or a political subdivision of
31 another state determines that a taxpayer has overpaid tax, affecting the computation of
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1 the credit allowed under this section for any taxable year, the taxpayer shall file an
2 amended return with the department not later than 90 days after the final determination
3 by the state or political subdivision that the tax was overpaid. The department may
4 assess a taxpayer additional tax, proportional to the amount overpaid in the other state
5 or political subdivision.
6 (d) A taxpayer is not allowed a credit under this section for taxes paid to
7 another jurisdiction if the taxpayer claims a credit against the income tax imposed by
8 the other jurisdiction for the tax payable under this chapter.
9 (e) Income tax imposed on a partner or the shareholder of an S corporation on
10 the income of the partnership or S corporation, including tax paid by the partnership or
11 S corporation to satisfy the tax liability of the partner or shareholder, may be included
12 in the calculation of a credit under this section. Tax imposed on the partnership or S
13 corporation that is the direct liability of the partnership or S corporation and not that of
14 the partner or shareholder may not be included in the calculation of a credit under this
15 section.
16 Sec. 43.22.030. Taxable income; general rule. (a) In this chapter, taxable
17 income is the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year
18 (1) plus, if not already included in federal adjusted gross income,
19 (A) interest on obligations of another state, a political
20 subdivision of another state, the public instrumentality of another state, or the
21 local authority of another state;
22 (B) a loss on the sale or exchange of an obligation issued by or
23 on behalf of
24 (i) the state;
25 (ii) a municipality of the state; or
26 (iii) a public instrumentality, public authority, or public
27 corporation created under state law;
28 (C) a loss from the sale or exchange of shares in a unit
29 investment trust if the loss is attributable to an obligation issued by or on
30 behalf of
31 (i) the state;
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1 (ii) a municipality of the state; or
2 (iii) a public instrumentality, public authority, or public
3 corporation created under state law;
4 (D) interest or dividends on obligations or securities issued by
5 the United States, or an authority, commission, or instrumentality of the United
6 States, that the Internal Revenue Code exempts from federal income tax;
7 (E) income taxes under this chapter;
8 (F) a gain realized but not recognized under 26 U.S.C. 1031
9 (Internal Revenue Code);
10 (G) a deduction allowed in the determination of federal
11 adjusted gross income that is directly or indirectly related to income that is not
12 taxable under this chapter; and
13 (H) income of an incomplete gift nongrantor trust to which a
14 taxpayer transferred property, less deductions of the trust, if
15 (i) the income and deductions of the trust would be
16 taken into account in computing the taxpayer's federal taxable income
17 if the trust in its entirety was treated as a grantor trust under the Internal
18 Revenue Code;
19 (ii) the trust is a resident trust;
20 (iii) the trust does not qualify as a grantor trust under 26
21 U.S.C. 671 - 679 (Internal Revenue Code); and
22 (iv) the grantor's transfer of assets to the trust is treated
23 as an incomplete gift under 26 U.S.C. 2511 (Internal Revenue Code);
24 (2) minus, if included in federal adjusted gross income,
25 (A) interest income or a dividend from an obligation that is
26 exempt from taxation by a state under federal law;
27 (B) a refund or credit for the overpayment of an income tax;
28 (C) an ordinary and necessary expense, including an interest
29 expense, paid or incurred during the taxable year, that is directly or indirectly
30 related to income exempt under the Internal Revenue Code but taxable by the
31 state;
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1 (D) a gain recognized under 26 U.S.C. 1031 (Internal Revenue
2 Code) that was included in federal adjusted gross income under (1) of this
3 subsection;
4 (E) income exempt under 4 U.S.C. 114;
5 (F) compensation prohibited from state taxation by 50 U.S.C.
6 3901 - 4043 (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act);
7 (G) a gain from the sale or exchange of an obligation issued by
8 or on behalf of
9 (i) the state;
10 (ii) a municipality of the state; or
11 (iii) a public instrumentality, public authority, or public
12 corporation created under state law;
13 (H) a permanent fund dividend received by the taxpayer or the
14 taxpayer's dependent under AS 43.23.
15 (b) In addition to the adjustments made to taxable income under (a) of this
16 section, a taxpayer may receive a standard deduction. Subject to adjustment under (d)
17 of this section, the deduction under this subsection for
18 (1) an individual resident taxpayer is $12,950;
19 (2) an individual resident who files federal income taxes as a head of
20 household is $19,400;
21 (3) two resident taxpayers filing jointly is $25,900;
22 (4) an individual nonresident is the product of $12,950 and a fraction,
23 the numerator of which is the nonresident individual's income taxable under
24 AS 43.22.045, computed without the deduction under this subsection, and the
25 denominator of which is the nonresident individual's taxable income computed as if
26 the nonresident individual were a resident individual and without the deduction under
27 this subsection; the deduction under this paragraph may not exceed $12,950 for each
28 exemption claimed;