State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: CSHB 146(STA)
2024 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 2
(H) Publish Date: 1/26/2024
Identifier: HB146-DPS-FLS-01-11-24 Department: Department of Public Safety
Title: REGULATION OF FIREWORKS Appropriation: Fire and Life Safety
Sponsor: RLS BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR Allocation: Fire and Life Safety
Requester: (H) Labor and Commerce OMB Component Number: 3051
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2025 Governor's
Appropriation FY2025 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2025 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fund Source (Operating Only)
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2024) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2025) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? No
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? Yes
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? 01/01/25
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated from SLA2023 to SLA2024 fiscal note template.
Prepared By: Lisa Purinton, Divisoin Director Phone: (907)269-5581
Division: Statewide Services Date: 01/11/2024 12:00 AM
Approved By: Pam Halloran Date: 01/11/24
Agency: Administrative Services Director
Printed 1/26/2024 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: yeoZY
CSHB 146(STA) - Fiscal Note 2
This bill amends AS 18.72 relating to state regulation of fireworks by repealing substantive provisions and, in their place,
authorizes and directs the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to adopt regulations.
Within DPS, the Division of Fire and Life Safety (DFLS), Life Safety Inspection Bureau, administers the firework permits
program and issues the following types of permits: firework display permits, pyrotechnic operators permits; retail firework
permits; and wholesale firework permits.
This bill requires the DFLS to adopt regulations related to the sale, storage, and use of fireworks. It is expected that the
regulations will be adopted within six months of the effective date of the bill, but no later than January 1, 2024.
DFLS currently charges nominal fees for each permit. Fees collected for firework permits are deposited into the state
general fund. Any change to the permit fee schedule would be included as part of the regulation project and subject to
public notice and comment.
Because the substantive changes of this bill are simply to move provisions of statute to regulation, no fiscal impact to DFLS
is expected. Therefore, a zero fiscal note is being submitted.
(Revised 10/31/2023 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
HB146-DPS-FLS-01-11-24 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: yeoZY

Statutes affected:
HB0146A, AM HB 146, introduced 03/29/2023: 11.81.900, 18.72.100, 18.72.010, 18.72.040, 18.72.060, 18.72.020, 18.72.030
HB0146B, AM CSHB 146(STA), introduced 05/01/2023: 11.81.900, 18.72.100, 18.72.010, 18.72.040, 18.72.060, 18.72.020, 18.72.030
HB0146C, AM SCS CSHB 146(STA), introduced 05/03/2024: 11.81.900, 18.72.011, 18.72.100, 18.72.020, 18.72.030, 18.72.035, 18.72.040, 18.72.060, 18.72.010
HB0146D, AM SCS CSHB 146(L&C), introduced 05/10/2024: 11.81.900, 18.72.011, 18.72.100, 18.72.020, 18.72.030, 18.72.035, 18.72.040, 18.72.060, 18.72.010
HB0146Z, AM Enrolled HB 146, introduced 05/15/2024: 11.81.900, 18.72.011, 18.72.100, 18.72.020, 18.72.030, 18.72.035, 18.72.040, 18.72.060, 18.72.010