State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: HCS CSSB 89(L&C)
2024 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 16
(H) Publish Date: 5/8/2024
Identifier: CSSB89(FIN)-DPS-AST-01-13-24 Department: Department of Public Safety
Title: AGE FOR TOBACCO/NICOTINE/E-CIG; TAX Appropriation: Alaska State Troopers
E-CIG Allocation: Alaska State Trooper Detachments
Sponsor: STEVENS OMB Component Number: 2325
Requester: (H) Labor and Commerce
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2025 Governor's
Appropriation FY2025 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2025 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fund Source (Operating Only)
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2024) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2025) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? No
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? No
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? N/A
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated from SLA2023 to SLA2024 fiscal note template.
Prepared By: Lisa Purinton, Division Director Phone: (907)269-5581
Division: Statewide Services Date: 01/13/2024
Approved By: Pam Halloran, Administrative Services Director Date: 01/13/24
Agency: Department of Public Safety
Printed 5/8/2024 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: XkvFB
HCS CSSB 89(L&C) - Fiscal Note 16
This bill raises the minimum age for an individual to purchase, sell, exchange, or possess products containing tobacco,
nicotine, or an electronic smoking product from 19 years of age to 21 years of age. It also adds internet sales to the list of
restrictions for selling products containing tobacco, nicotine, or an electronic smoking product.
The bill adds electronic smoking products to the list of items a licensee under Alaska Statute (AS) 43.50 may not sell if the
license is suspended or revoked. It also requires persons or common/contract carriers to verify an individual’s age prior to
shipping cigarettes to the person, and that the person be licensed under AS 43.50. It creates a new class A misdemeanor
crime for shipping tobacco products in violation of the requirements outlined in this bill, and a class A misdemeanor for
unlawfully shipping, causing to be shipped, or transporting an electronic smoking product.
The Department of Public Safety, Division of Alaska State Troopers, is responsible for enforcing state law. While this bill
does create two new class A misdemeanor crimes, the department does not anticipate a fiscal impact and is therefore
submitting a zero‐dollar fiscal note.
(Revised 10/31/2023 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
CSSB89(FIN)-DPS-AST-01-13-24 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: XkvFB

Statutes affected:
SB0089A, AM SB 89, introduced 03/01/2023: 11.76.100, 43.70.075, 04.11.090, 04.11.110, 04.11.150, 11.76.105, 04.09.200, 04.09.350, 04.09.220, 04.09.230, 11.76.106, 11.76.109, 43.50.010, 11.81.900, 43.50.070, 11.76.107, 44.62.350, 43.50.180, 43.50.300, 43.50.390, 43.50.850, 43.50.900, 43.50.105, U.S.C, 43.50.150, 43.50.090, 43.50.190, 17.38.900, 43.50.860, 43.50.865, 43.50.870, 43.50.875, 43.50.880, 43.50.885, 43.50.890, 43.50.990, 44.64.010, 44.64.060, 45.50.471, 47.12.030, 29.35.085, 29.25.070, 12.55.055, 04.16.050
SB0089B, AM CSSB 89(L&C), introduced 04/24/2023: 11.76.100, 43.70.075, 04.09.200, 04.09.350, 04.09.220, 04.09.230, 11.76.105, 12.55.035, 11.76.106, 11.76.109, 43.50.010, 11.81.900, 43.50.070, 11.76.107, 44.62.350, 43.50.180, 43.50.300, 43.50.390, 43.50.850, 43.50.900, 43.50.105, U.S.C, 43.50.150, 43.50.090, 43.50.190, 03.05.076, 17.38.900, 43.50.860, 43.50.865, 43.50.870, 43.50.875, 43.50.880, 43.50.885, 43.50.990, 44.64.010, 44.64.060, 45.50.471, 47.12.030, 29.35.085, 29.25.070, 12.55.055, 04.16.050
SB0089C, AM CSSB 89(FIN), introduced 05/13/2023: 11.76.100, 43.70.075, 04.09.200, 04.09.350, 04.09.220, 04.09.230, 11.76.105, 12.55.035, 11.76.106, 11.76.109, 43.50.010, 11.81.900, 37.05.580, 44.29.020, 43.50.070, 11.76.107, 44.62.350, 43.50.180, 43.50.300, 43.50.390, 43.50.850, 43.50.900, 43.50.105, U.S.C, 43.50.150, 43.50.190, 43.50.090, 03.05.076, 17.38.900, 43.50.860, 43.50.865, 43.50.870, 43.50.875, 43.50.880, 43.50.885, 43.50.990, 44.64.010, 44.64.060, 45.50.471, 47.12.030, 29.35.085, 29.25.070, 12.55.055, 04.16.050
SB0089D, AM HCS CSSB 89(L&C), introduced 05/08/2024: 11.76.100, 43.70.075, 04.09.200, 04.09.350, 04.09.220, 04.09.230, 11.76.105, 12.55.035, 11.76.106, 11.76.109, 43.50.010, 11.81.900, 37.05.580, 44.29.020, 43.50.070, 11.76.107, 44.62.350, 43.50.180, 43.50.300, 43.50.390, 43.50.850, 43.50.880, 43.50.105, U.S.C, 43.50.190, 43.50.090, 43.50.860, 43.50.870, 43.50.990, 44.64.010, 44.64.060, 45.50.471, 47.12.030, 29.35.085, 29.25.070, 12.55.055, 04.16.050
SB0089E, AM HCS CSSB 89(L&C) am H, introduced 05/14/2024, passed House 05/14/2024: 11.76.100, 43.70.075, 04.09.200, 04.09.350, 04.09.220, 04.09.230, 11.76.105, 12.55.035, 11.76.106, 11.76.109, 43.50.010, 11.81.900, 17.38.070, 17.38.200, 12.62.160, 12.62.400, 17.38.190, 17.38.210, 17.38.320, 17.38.300, 17.38.900, 37.05.580, 44.29.020, 43.50.070, 11.76.107, 44.62.350, 43.50.180, 43.50.300, 43.50.390, 43.50.850, 43.50.880, 43.50.105, U.S.C, 43.50.190, 43.50.090, 43.50.860, 43.50.870, 43.50.990, 43.61.010, 43.61.020, 43.61.030, 43.05.220, 44.64.010, 44.64.060, 45.50.471, 47.12.030, 29.35.085, 29.25.070, 12.55.055, 04.16.050