State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: CSSB 88(FIN)
2024 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 3
(S) Publish Date: 1/26/2024
Identifier: SB088CS(FIN)-VAR-ALL-01-25-2024 Department: Various
OPT. Allocation: All Branches
Sponsor: GIESSEL OMB Component Number: 0
Requester: (S) Finance
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2025 Governor's
Appropriation FY2025 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2025 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030
Personal Services (6,026.0) (6,191.7) (6,362.0) (6,536.9) (6,716.7) (6,901.4)
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating (6,026.0) 0.0 (6,191.7) (6,362.0) (6,536.9) (6,716.7) (6,901.4)
Fund Source (Operating Only)
1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) (898.6) (534.5) (537.9) (549.1) (554.7) (569.9)
1004 Gen Fund (UGF) (2,831.1) (4,291.3) (4,449.4) (4,584.4) (4,744.5) (4,875.0)
1005 GF/Prgm (DGF) (472.6) (281.1) (282.9) (288.8) (291.7) (299.8)
1251 Non-UGF (Other) (1,823.7) (1,084.8) (1,091.8) (1,114.6) (1,125.8) (1,156.7)
Total (6,026.0) 0.0 (6,191.7) (6,362.0) (6,536.9) (6,716.7) (6,901.4)
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2024) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2025) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? Yes
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? Yes
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? TBD
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Senate Finance Committee-generated note incorporating updated analysis from the committee's contract actuary in addition to
changes made in the committee substitute.
Prepared By: Senator Hoffman Phone: (907)465-4453
Senate Finance Committee
REPORT Date: 01/25/2024
Senator Olson
Senate Finance Committee
Printed 1/26/2024 Page 1 of 4 Control Code: CknwF
CSSB 88(FIN) - Fiscal Note 3
This bill establishes new "tiers" with a Defined Benefit (DB) pension system for all new employees who begin service after
the effective date of the bill, July 1, 2024. The tiers would impact both members of the Alaska Public Employees'
Retirement System (PERS) and the Alaska Teachers' Retirement System (TRS). Pension accrual rates for years of service are
comparable to the pre‐2006 DB system.
Current employees who are in the Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) plans, who began service between July 1, 2006
and June 30, 2024, are able to make a one‐time irrevocable election to join the new PERS or TRS Defined Benefit (DB) plan
with 180 days to decide. DCR employees who have separated from public service, should they return to service, would
also have a 180‐day window to elect to convert to the new tier. The Division of Retirement and Benefits (DRB) will
calculate, for each eligible employee, the number of years of service that employee can purchase with the funds in their
DCR account. If this is less than the employee's actual years of employment, DRB will use existing procedures to enable
employees, should they choose, to purchase the additional time.
The healthcare benefit provisions provided in the bill are unchanged from what is currently provided in the current DCR
healthcare plans. New sub‐trusts will be established for each of the new tiers' DB benefits. This is necessary to account for
the financial activity of each respective PERS and TRS defined benefit pension and healthcare plan. The performance is
then used to value the separate trusts in the annual actuarial valuation reports, which are used by the Alaska Retirement
Management (ARM) Board to adopt future PERS and TRS contribution rates. One feature of this bill is that both employee
and employer contribution rates can be changed by the ARM Board in order to keep the trusts adequately funded and
minimize the accrual of past service costs.
The previous version of this fiscal note was derived from analysis provided by the Division of Retirement and Benefits'
consulting actuary, Buck Global LLC (Buck). Buck's analysis indicated two separate impacts on future state budgets: direct
costs for state employees, and "additional state contributions" to municipal and school district employees in excess of the
statutory maximum contribution levels.
Buck is in the process of revisiting this analysis, given both updated workforce data as well as the changes made in the
Senate Finance Committee Substitute. Because this analysis will not be available for several weeks, the Finance Committee
is producing their own fiscal note with the input and assistance of the committee's own contract actuary, Gene Kalwarski
of Cheiron. It is understood and expected that the committee's fiscal note will be superseded once the Buck analysis is
Additionally, the committee had concerns with the prior Buck analysis because of the way it incorporated future changes
to the workforce. Buck assumed rapid and substantial changes to recruitment and retention levels throughout the
workforce. This generated a growing gap between the base case workforce and the "SB88" workforce that reached $250
million per year by the end of the analysis period. The bulk of the fiscal impacts identified in their analysis was actually the
additional employer costs of this larger workforce, rather than any inherent cost increases in the plan change itself.
The Buck analysis also assumed that 100% of the eligible current DCR workforce chose to transition to the new DB tier.
Additionally, it did not consider other impacts to the state treasury, or to the economy at large, due to fewer disruptions
generated by high turnover, repeated recruitment and training costs, and the bonuses and other incentives currently
being paid as "workarounds" to ongoing labor shortages throughout the state.
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CSSB 88(FIN) - Fiscal Note 3
Potential offsets and savings due to passing SB88 were identified by Dr. Teresa Ghilarducci, an economist retained by bill
supporters. In her testimony on January 23, she identified savings of at least $76 million per year. The largest component
of this was the recruitment / training / separation costs which she estimated at $62 million. The next largest was due to
the lower rates of return earned on invested assets in the employee‐directed DCR plans, at $14 million. These potential
savings are outside the actuarial analysis in this fiscal ntoe.
David Kershner of Buck, testifying in the Senate Finance Committee on January 24, indicated that SB88 would not impact
legacy accounts or past service costs tied to prior pension tiers.
The table on the following page contains updated cost data from Cheiron. For the purposes of this analysis, the committee
has assumed a static workforce, looking only at the cost impact of changing the pension system. Should successful
implementation of a new DB tier result in a larger and better paid public workforce, this would need to be addressed in
future budgets.
The Cheiron analysis also assumes a 100% conversion rate, meaning that all eligible DCR employees in both PERS and TRS
opt to switch to the new system. Payrolls are estimated to increase with inflation, which is assumed at 2.75% per year.
Fund sources are estimated based on the fund source ratios from the May 2023 fiscal notes.
The costs identified are an aggregate total across all jurisdictions. Therefore, this fiscal note replaces both actuarial fiscal
notes that were based on the May 2023 Buck analysis: the "State as Employer" note [SB088CS(FIN)‐VAR‐ALL‐05‐12‐2023]
and the "Additional State Contributions" note [SB088CS(L&C)‐RET‐PERS‐05‐12‐2023].
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CSSB 88(FIN) - Fiscal Note 3
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Statutes affected:
SB0088A, AM SB 88, introduced 03/01/2023: 14.25.009, 14.25.220, 14.25.310, 14.25.590, 14.25.040, 14.40.661, 14.40.799, 14.25.540, 14.25.048, 14.25.061, 14.25.050, U.S.C, 14.25.070, 14.25.173, 14.20.136, 14.25.350, 39.30.370, 14.25.075, 14.25.047, 14.25.060, 14.25.100, 14.25.107, 14.20.345, 14.25.105, 14.25.087, 14.25.085, 14.25.168, 14.25.171, 39.30.097, 39.30.340, 14.25.110, 14.25.167, 14.25.130, 14.25.133, 14.25.132, 14.25.131, 14.25.134, 14.25.166, 14.25.156, 14.25.142, 14.25.143, 14.25.155, 14.25.160, 14.25.157, 14.25.162, 14.25.164, 14.25.158, 14.25.125, 14.25.169, 39.30.300, 39.30.095, 39.35.095, 39.35.680, 14.25.330, 14.25.490, 37.10.220, 37.10.210, 37.10.390, 14.25.340, 39.30.150, 39.30.180, 39.35.730, 39.35.750, 39.45.010, 39.45.060, 14.25.145, 39.35.100, 39.30.495, 39.35.160, 39.35.255, 37.10.310, 40.25.110, 40.25.120, 39.35.475, 39.30.090, 14.25.480, 22.25.090, 39.35.535, 39.35.537, 39.35.880, 39.37.145, 23.15.136, 39.30.091, 21.86.310, 23.15.010, 23.15.210, 39.35.700, 39.35.990, 39.30.380, 14.25.470, 39.35.870, 39.30.390, 39.30.400, 39.30.420, 39.35.520, 39.35.150, 39.35.282, 39.35.280, 39.35.370, 39.35.450, 39.35.381, 39.35.400, 39.35.440, 39.35.485, 39.35.480, 39.35.360, 39.35.300, 39.35.310, 39.35.385, 39.35.940, 39.35.720, 39.35.895, 14.25.012, 14.25.010, 14.25.181, 14.25.320, 39.35.115, 39.35.678, 39.35.710, 39.35.003
SB0088B, AM CSSB 88(L&C), introduced 05/01/2023: 14.25.009, 14.25.220, 14.25.310, 14.25.590, 14.25.040, 14.40.661, 14.40.799, 14.25.540, 39.35.095, 39.35.680, 14.25.010, 14.25.181, 14.25.320, 14.25.490, 14.25.048, 14.25.061, 14.25.050, U.S.C, 14.25.065, 14.25.070, 14.20.136, 14.25.173, 37.10.220, 14.25.350, 39.30.370, 14.25.075, 14.25.047, 14.25.060, 14.25.100, 14.25.107, 14.20.345, 14.25.044, 14.25.105, 14.25.085, 14.25.087, 14.25.168, 14.25.171, 39.30.400, 39.30.097, 39.30.340, 14.25.110, 14.25.167, 14.25.142, 14.25.143, 43.23.005, 39.30.300, 39.30.095, 14.25.330, 37.10.210, 37.10.390, 14.25.340, 39.30.150, 39.30.180, 39.35.730, 39.35.750, 39.45.010, 39.45.060, 14.25.145, 39.35.100, 39.30.495, 39.35.160, 39.35.255, 37.10.310, 40.25.110, 40.25.120, 39.35.475, 39.30.090, 14.25.480, 22.25.090, 39.35.535, 39.35.537, 39.35.880, 39.37.145, 23.15.136, 39.30.091, 21.86.310, 23.15.010, 23.15.210, 39.35.700, 39.35.990, 39.35.940, 39.30.380, 14.25.470, 39.35.870, 39.30.390, 39.30.420, 39.35.115, 39.35.678, 39.35.710, 39.35.895, 39.35.165, 39.35.159, 39.35.310, 39.35.330, 39.35.340, 39.35.342, 39.35.345, 39.35.360, 39.35.370, 39.35.375, 39.35.381, 39.35.341, 39.35.520, 39.35.280, 39.35.282, 39.35.385, 39.35.120, 39.35.450, 39.35.400, 39.35.440, 39.35.485, 39.35.480, 39.35.610, 39.35.300, 39.35.720, 14.25.012
SB0088C, AM CSSB 88(FIN), introduced 01/26/2024: 14.25.009, 14.25.220, 14.25.310, 14.25.590, 14.25.040, 14.40.661, 14.40.799, 14.25.540, 39.35.095, 39.35.680, 39.30.097, 14.25.480, 14.25.171, 39.30.150, 39.30.180, 14.25.360, 14.25.010, 14.25.181, 14.25.320, 14.25.490, 14.25.048, 14.25.061, 14.25.050, U.S.C, 14.25.070, 14.25.065, 14.20.136, 14.25.173, 37.10.220, 14.25.350, 39.30.370, 14.25.075, 14.25.047, 14.25.060, 14.25.100, 14.25.107, 14.20.345, 14.25.044, 14.25.105, 14.25.085, 14.25.087, 14.25.168, 14.25.110, 14.25.167, 14.25.142, 14.25.143, 43.23.005, 39.30.300, 39.30.095, 14.25.330, 37.10.210, 37.10.390, 14.25.340, 39.35.730, 39.35.750, 39.45.010, 39.45.060, 14.25.145, 39.35.100, 39.30.495, 39.35.160, 39.35.255, 37.10.310, 14.25.086, 39.35.281, 40.25.110, 40.25.120, 39.35.475, 39.30.090, 22.25.090, 39.35.535, 39.35.537, 39.35.880, 39.37.145, 23.15.136, 39.30.091, 21.86.310, 23.15.010, 23.15.210, 39.35.700, 39.35.990, 39.35.940, 39.30.340, 14.25.003, 14.25.004, 39.30.380, 14.25.470, 39.35.870, 39.30.390, 39.30.400, 39.30.420, 39.35.760, 39.35.115, 39.35.678, 39.35.710, 39.35.895, 39.35.165, 39.35.159, 39.35.310, 39.35.330, 39.35.340, 39.35.342, 39.35.345, 39.35.360, 39.35.370, 39.35.375, 39.35.381, 39.35.341, 39.35.520, 39.35.280, 39.35.282, 39.35.385, 39.35.120, 39.35.450, 39.35.400, 39.35.440, 39.35.485, 39.35.480, 39.35.610, 39.35.300, 39.35.720, 14.25.012