Introduced: 1/18/23
Referred: Finance
1 "An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations and other
2 appropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making appropriations to
3 capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date."
SB0041A -1- SB 41
1 * Section 1. The following appropriations are for capital projects and grants from the general
2 fund or other funds as set out in Section 2 of this Act by funding source to the agencies named
3 for the purposes expressed. They lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted.
4 Appropriation General Other
5 Allocations Items Funds Funds
6 ***** *****
7 * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * *
8 ***** *****
9 Static Code Vulnerability and Analysis 375,000 375,000
10 Scan for All Public Facing Apps (HD 1-40)
11 ***** *****
12 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development * * * * *
13 ***** *****
14 Alaska Gasline Development Corporation 10,000,000 10,000,000
15 - Hydrogen Hub (HD 1-40)
16 Statewide Marketing and Economic 5,000,000 5,000,000
17 Development Initiative (HD 1-40)
18 Community Block Grants (HD 1-40) 6,315,000 65,000 6,250,000
19 Public Engagement and Customer 2,500,000 2,500,000
20 Relationship Management System (HD 1-
21 40)
22 Alaska Energy Authority - Electrical 200,000 200,000
23 Emergencies Program (HD 1-40)
24 Alaska Energy Authority - Bulk Fuel 13,000,000 5,500,000 7,500,000
25 Upgrades (HD 1-40)
26 Alaska Energy Authority - Rural Power 32,500,000 7,500,000 25,000,000
27 Systems Upgrades (HD 1-40)
28 Alaska Energy Authority - Electric 1,670,000 1,670,000
29 Vehicle Charging Equipment Deployment -
30 IIJA Competitive (HD 1-40)
31 Alaska Energy Authority - New Energy 63,600 63,600
SB 41, Sec. 1 SB0041A
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Auditor Training IIJA (HD 1-40)
4 Alaska Energy Authority - Hydroelectric 5,000,000 5,000,000
5 Development (HD 1-40)
6 Alaska Energy Authority - Statewide 13,927,102 1,816,579 12,110,523
7 Grid Resilience and Reliability - IIJA
8 Formula (HD 1-40)
9 Alaska Energy Authority - Renewable 5,000,000 5,000,000
10 Energy and Efficiency Programs (HD 1-40)
11 Grants to Named Recipients (AS 37.05.316)
12 Three-Phase Power Extensions and 3,000,000 3,000,000
13 Upgrades to Delta Farm Region and Co-Op
14 (HD 9)
15 ***** *****
16 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *
17 ***** *****
18 Point Mackenzie Correctional Farm 3,080,000 3,080,000
19 Produce Processing Plant (HD 8)
20 Statewide Security Doors and Windows 1,000,000 1,000,000
21 (HD 1-40)
22 ***** *****
23 * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * *
24 ***** *****
25 Ambient Air Monitoring Shelters (HD 1- 100,000 100,000
26 40)
27 Oil and Hazardous Substance First 750,000 750,000
28 Responder Equipment and Preparedness
29 (HD 1-40)
30 Statewide Contaminated Sites Cleanup 1,000,000 1,000,000
31 (HD 1-40)
32 Village Safe Water and Wastewater 247,702,959 24,952,959 222,750,000
33 Infrastructure Projects (HD 1-40)
SB0041A SB 41, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Village Safe Water and 99,081,184
4 Wastewater Infrastructure
5 Projects: Expansion,
6 Upgrade, and Replacement
7 of Existing Service (HD 1-
8 40)
9 Village Safe Water and 148,621,775
10 Wastewater Infrastructure
11 Projects: First Time
12 Service Projects (HD 1-40)
13 Clean Water Capitalization Grant 2,770,000 2,770,000
14 Subsidy (HD 1-40)
15 Clean Water Capitalization Grant 11,382,615 11,382,615
16 Subsidy - IIJA, Division J, Title VI (HD 1-
17 40)
18 Clean Water Capitalization Grant 2,373,620 2,373,620
19 Subsidy Emerging Contaminants - IIJA,
20 Division J, Title VI (HD 1-40)
21 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant 2,452,800 2,452,800
22 Subsidy (HD 1-40)
23 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant 10,185,639 10,185,639
24 Subsidy - IIJA, Division J, Title VI (HD 1-
25 40)
26 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant 13,854,750 13,854,750
27 Subsidy Lead Service Lines IIJA, Division
28 J, Title VI (HD 1-40)
29 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant 7,540,000 7,540,000
30 Subsidy Emerging Contaminants- IIJA,
31 Division J, Title VI (HD 1-40)
32 ***** *****
33 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * *
SB 41, Sec. 1 SB0041A
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 ***** *****
4 Central Region Fisheries Management 400,000 400,000
5 Sonar Replacement (HD 1-40)
6 Sport Fish Hatcheries Deferred 1,000,000 1,000,000
7 Maintenance (HD 1-40)
8 Federal Fisheries Disasters (HD 37) 2,000,000 2,000,000
9 Alaska Marine Salmon Program (HD 1- 1,150,000 1,150,000
10 40)
11 Facilities, Vessels, and Aircraft 500,000 500,000
12 Maintenance, Repair, and Upgrades (HD 1-
13 40)
14 Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook Fishery 6,500,000 6,500,000
15 Mitigation (HD 1-40)
16 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund 6,400,000 6,400,000
17 (HD 1-40)
18 Arctic Fisheries (HD 1-40) 3,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
19 ***** *****
20 * * * * * Office of the Governor * * * * *
21 ***** *****
22 Legal, Expertise, and Consultation 10,000,000 10,000,000
23 Services to Support Statehood Defense
24 (HD 1-40)
25 Statewide Deferred Maintenance, 29,283,600 29,283,600
26 Renovation, and Repair (HD 1-40)
27 ***** *****
28 * * * * * Department of Health * * * * *
29 ***** *****
30 Emergency Medical Services Match for 500,000 500,000
31 Code Blue Project (HD 1-40)
32 ***** *****
33 * * * * * Department of Labor and Workforce Development * * * * *
SB0041A SB 41, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 ***** *****
4 Business Enterprise Program: Child Care 620,400 620,400
5 Facility (HD 7-12)
6 Business Enterprise Program: Facility 1,339,750 1,339,750
7 Development and Equipment Replacement
8 (HD 1-40)
9 ***** *****
10 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs * * * * *
11 ***** *****
12 Air National Guard Modernization and 1,750,000 1,750,000
13 Sustainment (HD 1-40)
14 State Homeland Security Grant 12,584,900 383,300 12,201,600
15 Programs (HD 1-40)
16 Construction of a Certified Veterans 7,100,000 1,100,000 6,000,000
17 Cemetery in Fairbanks area (HD 1-5)
18 ***** *****
19 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *
20 ***** *****
21 Bison Range Restoration (HD 9) 2,000,000 2,000,000
22 National Oceanic and Atmospheric 1,000,000 1,000,000
23 Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris
24 Removal Grant (HD 1-40)
25 Critical Minerals Mapping – Earth MRI 10,500,000 2,750,000 7,750,000
26 (HD 1-40)
27 Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation 4,330,000 4,330,000
28 Federal Program (HD 1-40)
29 Community Wildfire Defense Grants (HD 10,000,000 10,000,000
30 1-40)
31 Geologic Mapping for Resource 1,600,000 800,000 800,000
32 Development and Hazard Assessment
33 (STATEMAP) (HD 1-40)
SB 41, Sec. 1 SB0041A
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Industry Projects Application Review 400,000 400,000
4 (Dam Safety) (HD 1-40)
5 Land Disposal Income Fund: Subdivision 500,000 500,000
6 Development (HD 1-40)
7 Land and Water Conservation Fund 4,200,000 1,600,000 2,600,000
8 (LWCF) Grant Program (HD 1-40)
9 National Historic Preservation Fund (HD 1- 1,000,000 300,000 700,000
10 40)
11 National Recreational Trails Federal Grant 1,720,000 220,000 1,500,000
12 Program (HD 1-40)
13 Sanitation Upgrades to Parks (HD 1-40) 2,000,000 2,000,000
14 Unlocking Alaska Parks: Construction of 2,400,000 2,400,000
15 New Public Use Cabins (HD 1-40)
16 ***** *****
17 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *
18 ***** *****
19 Criminal Justice Information Systems 4,383,180 4,383,180
20 (CJIS) Modernization (HD 1-40)
21 Fairbanks Post Remodel and Expansion 5,650,000 5,650,000
22 (HD 1-5)
23 Training Academy Maintenance and 750,000 750,000
24 Updates (HD 1-40)
25 Investigative and Forensic Electronic 678,800 678,800
26 Equipment Refresh (HD 12-28)
27 Patrol Vessel, Motor Replacement, and 1,970,000 1,970,000
28 Off-Highway Vehicle Replacement (HD 1-
29 40)
30 Classroom and Offices in the 750,000 750,000
31 Department of Public Safety Bethel
32 Hangar (HD 38)
33 ***** *****
SB0041A SB 41, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * *
4 ***** *****
5 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
6 AHFC Affordable Housing Development 11,000,000 11,000,000
7 Program (HD 1-40)
8 AHFC Competitive Grants for Public 1,350,000 350,000 1,000,000
9 Housing (HD 1-40)
10 AHFC Energy Efficiency Research (HD 1- 500,000 500,000
11 40)
12 AHFC Energy Programs Weatherization 5,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000
13 (HD 1-40)
14 AHFC Federal and Other Competitive 7,500,000 1,500,000 6,000,000
15 Grants (HD 1-40)
16 AHFC Housing and Urban Development 3,200,000 3,200,000
17 Capital Fund Program (HD 1-40)
18 AHFC Housing and Urban Development 4,750,000 750,000 4,000,000
19 Federal HOME Grant (HD 1-40)
20 AHFC Rental Assistance for Persons 1,500,000 1,500,000
21 Displaced Due to Domestic Violence -
22 Empowering Choice Housing Program
23 (ECHP) (HD 1-40)
24 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing 1,750,000 1,750,000
25 Development Program (HD 1-40)
26 AHFC Supplemental Housing 3,000,000 3,000,000
27 Development Program (HD 1-40)
28 AHFC Rural Professional Housing (HD 1- 5,500,000 5,000,000 500,000
29 40)
30 ***** *****
31 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *
32 ***** *****
33 Dalton Highway Delineators 2,143,400 2,143,400
SB 41, Sec. 1 SB0041A
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Improvements (HD 1-40)
4 Alaska Land Mobile Radio (ALMR) In 1,700,000 1,700,000
5 Vehicle Radio Replacements (HD 1-40)
6 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel 22,000,000 22,000,000
7 Overhaul, Annual Certification and
8 Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation (HD 1-40)
9 State Equipment Fleet Replacement (HD 25,000,000 25,000,000
10 1-40)
11 Airport Improvement Program (HD 1-40) 462,009,189 462,009,189
12 Alaska International Airport 77,218,289
13 System (AIAS) (HD 1-40)
14 Statewide Rural Aviation 384,790,900
15 Program (HD 1-40)
16 Federal Program Match (HD 1-40) 126,755,815 126,755,815
17 Federal-Aid Aviation State 33,348,545
18 Match (HD 1-40)
19 Federal-Aid Highway State 91,107,270
20 Match (HD 1-40)
21 Other Federal Program 1,300,000
22 Match (HD 1-40)
23 Federal-Aid Highway 1,000,000
24 Project Match Credits (HD 1-
25 40)
26 Statewide Federal Programs (HD 1-40) 66,213,516 1,023,516 65,190,000
27 Cooperative Reimbursable 15,000,000
28 Projects (HD 1-40)
29 Federal Emergency 10,000,000
30 Projects (HD 1-40)
31 Federal Transit 26,690,000
32 Administration Grants (HD 1-
33 40)
SB0041A SB 41, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other