Introduced: 1/18/22
Referred: Finance
1 "An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations, reappropriations,
2 and other appropriations; making supplemental appropriations; and providing for an
3 effective date."
HB0283a -1- HB 283
1 * Section 1. The following appropriations are for capital projects and grants from the
2 general fund or other funds as set out in sec. 2 of this Act by funding source to the agencies
3 named for the purposes expressed. They lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted.
4 Appropriation General Other
5 Allocations Items Funds Funds
6 ***** *****
7 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development * * * * *
8 ***** *****
9 Alaska Energy Authority - Electrical 200,000 200,000
10 Emergencies Program (HD 1-40)
11 Alaska Energy Authority - Round XIV 15,000,000 15,000,000
12 Renewable Energy Project Grants (AS
13 42.45.045) (HD 1-40)
14 Alaska Energy Authority - Rural Power 20,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
15 Systems Upgrades (HD 1-40)
16 Alaska Energy Authority - Bulk Fuel 13,000,000 5,500,000 7,500,000
17 Upgrades (HD 1-40)
18 City of Palmer Wastewater Treatment 6,900,000 6,900,000
19 Plant Improvements - Phase II (HD 7-12)
20 Community Block Grants (HD 1-40) 6,315,000 65,000 6,250,000
21 Economic Recovery Mariculture Incentive 25,000,000 25,000,000
22 Grant Program (HD 1-40)
23 Grants to Named Recipients (AS 37.05.316)
24 Alaska Travel Industry Association (HD 5,000,000 5,000,000
25 1-40)
26 Inter-Island Ferry Authority (HD 33-36) 250,000 250,000
27 Named Recipient Grant - Voice of the 1,000,000 1,000,000
28 Arctic Inupiat (HD 40)
29 ***** *****
30 * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * *
31 ***** *****
HB 283, Sec. 1 HB0283a
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Clean Water Capitalization Grant 1,000,000 1,000,000
4 Subsidy (HD 1-40)
5 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant 2,900,000 2,900,000
6 Subsidy (HD 1-40)
7 EVOS Impaired Beaches Project (HD 9) 658,432 658,432
8 Fairbanks PM2.5 Nonattainment Area 5,684,800 5,684,800
9 Voluntary Heating Device Change Out
10 Program (HD 1-5)
11 Village Safe Water and Wastewater 72,250,000 19,500,000 52,750,000
12 Infrastructure Projects (HD 1-40)
13 Village Safe Water and 28,900,000
14 Wastewater Infrastructure
15 Projects: Expansion,
16 Upgrade, and Replacement
17 of Existing Service (HD 1-
18 40)
19 Village Safe Water and 43,350,000
20 Wastewater Infrastructure
21 Projects: First Time
22 Service Projects (HD 1-40)
23 ***** *****
24 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * *
25 ***** *****
26 EVOS Prince William Sound Pollock and 4,129,317 4,129,317
27 Herring Interaction (HD 1-40)
28 EVOS Gulf Watch Alaska Herring 1,908,299 1,908,299
29 Research and Monitoring (HD 1-40)
30 EVOS Mariculture - Marine Mammals 1,660,000 1,660,000
31 (HD 1-40)
32 EVOS Kenai Peninsula Cost Share (HD 400,000 400,000
33 31)
HB0283a HB 283, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Endangered Species Act (HD 1-40) 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
4 Facilities, Vessels, and Aircraft 500,000 500,000
5 Maintenance, Repair, and Upgrades (HD 1-
6 40)
7 Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook Fishery 6,400,000 6,400,000
8 Mitigation (HD 1-40)
9 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund 4,400,000 4,400,000
10 (HD 1-40)
11 Sport Fish Recreational Boating and 3,000,000 3,000,000
12 Angler Access (HD 1-40)
13 ***** *****
14 * * * * * Office of the Governor * * * * *
15 ***** *****
16 Statewide Deferred Maintenance, 23,880,000 23,880,000
17 Renovation, and Repair (HD 1-40)
18 ***** *****
19 * * * * * Department of Health * * * * *
20 ***** *****
21 Division of Public Assistance E-forms 8,000,000 8,000,000
22 and Online Noticing (HD 1-40)
23 Division of Public Assistance Eligibility 23,500,000 23,500,000
24 System Replacement (HD 1-40)
25 Emergency Medical Services Match for 500,000 500,000
26 Code Blue Project (HD 1-40)
27 Health Record Infrastructure 30,000,000 30,000,000
28 Improvements - Coronavirus Capital
29 Projects Fund (HD 1-40)
30 ***** *****
31 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * *
32 ***** *****
33 DMVA Deferred Maintenance, 12,000,000 12,000,000
HB 283, Sec. 1 HB0283a
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Replacement, and Renewal (HD 1-40)
4 State Homeland Security Grant 9,000,000 9,000,000
5 Programs (HD 1-40)
6 ***** *****
7 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *
8 ***** *****
9 RS2477 Access Development - 2,500,000 2,500,000
10 Advancing State's Rights in Navigability
11 and Revised Statute 2477 (HD 40)
12 Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation 3,200,000 3,200,000
13 Federal Program (HD 1-40)
14 Arctic Strategic Transportation and 2,500,000 2,500,000
15 Resource Project (HD 40)
16 Big Eddy EVOS Restoration and 4,329,567 4,329,567
17 Improvements (HD 1-40)
18 Eagle River Fire Crew Facility - 13,856,439 13,856,439
19 Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (HD 14)
20 Federal and Local Government Funded 7,000,000 7,000,000
21 Forest Resource and Fire Program (HD 1-
22 40)
23 Food Security Agriculture Incentive Grant 25,000,000 25,000,000
24 Program (HD 1-40)
25 Geological Mapping for Energy 1,200,000 600,000 600,000
26 Development (USGS STATEMAP) (HD
27 1-40)
28 Land Sales - New Subdivision 500,000 500,000
29 Development (HD 1-40)
30 Land and Water Conservation Fund 4,200,000 1,600,000 2,600,000
31 Federal Grant Program (HD 1-40)
32 National Historic Preservation Fund (HD 1- 800,000 200,000 600,000
33 40)
HB0283a HB 283, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 National Recreational Trails Federal Grant 1,650,000 150,000 1,500,000
4 Program (HD 1-40)
5 Potter Marsh Watershed Conservation 1,000,000 1,000,000
6 Project Phase I (HD 1-40)
7 State Park Electronic Fee Stations (HD 1- 650,000 650,000
8 40)
9 Statewide Park Sanitation Deferred 1,418,000 1,418,000
10 Maintenance and Facility Upgrades (HD 1-
11 40)
12 ***** *****
13 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *
14 ***** *****
15 Law Enforcement Off Highway Vehicle 750,000 750,000
16 Replacement (HD 1-40)
17 Marine Fisheries Patrol Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000
18 (HD 1-40)
19 ***** *****
20 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * *
21 ***** *****
22 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
23 AHFC Competitive Grants for Public 1,350,000 350,000 1,000,000
24 Housing (HD 1-40)
25 AHFC Energy Efficiency Research (HD 1- 500,000 500,000
26 40)
27 AHFC Energy Programs Weatherization 4,800,000 1,800,000 3,000,000
28 (HD 1-40)
29 AHFC Federal and Other Competitive 7,500,000 1,500,000 6,000,000
30 Grants (HD 1-40)
31 AHFC Housing and Urban Development 3,200,000 3,200,000
32 Capital Fund Program (HD 1-40)
33 AHFC Housing and Urban Development 4,750,000 750,000 4,000,000
HB 283, Sec. 1 HB0283a
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Federal HOME Grant (HD 1-40)
4 AHFC Rental Assistance for Persons 1,500,000 1,500,000
5 Displaced Due to Domestic Violence -
6 Empowering Choice Housing Program
7 (ECHP) (HD 1-40)
8 AHFC Supplemental Housing 2,750,000 2,750,000
9 Development Program (HD 1-40)
10 AHFC Teacher, Health, and Public 2,250,000 1,750,000 500,000
11 Safety Professionals Housing (HD 1-40)
12 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing 1,000,000 1,000,000
13 Development Program (HD 1-40)
14 AHFC Senior Citizens 1,000,000
15 Housing Development
16 Program (HD 1-40)
17 ***** *****
18 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *
19 ***** *****
20 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel 20,000,000 20,000,000
21 Overhaul, Annual Certification and
22 Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation (HD 1-40)
23 State Equipment Fleet Replacement (HD 25,000,000 25,000,000
24 1-40)
25 Airport Improvement Program (HD 1-40) 281,700,280 281,700,280
26 Alaska International Airport 81,700,280
27 System (HD 1-40)
28 Rural Airport Improvement 200,000,000
29 Program (HD 1-40)
30 Federal Program Match (HD 1-40) 89,100,000 89,100,000
31 Federal-Aid Aviation State 17,600,000
32 Match (HD 1-40)
33 Federal-Aid Highway State 70,200,000
HB0283a HB 283, Sec. 1
1 Appropriation General Other
2 Allocations Items Funds Funds
3 Match (HD 1-40)
4 Other Federal Program 1,300,000
5 Match (HD 1-40)
6 Statewide Federal Programs (HD 1-40) 59,800,574 130,574 59,670,000
7 Cooperative Reimbursable 15,000,000
8 Projects (HD 1-40)
9 Federal Emergency 10,000,000
10 Projects (HD 1-40)
11 Federal Transit 26,670,000
12 Administration Grants (HD 1-
13 40)
14 Highway Safety Grants 8,130,574
15 Program (HD 1-40)
16 Surface Transportation Program
17 Surface Transportation Program (HD 1- 669,500,000 669,500,000
18 40)
19 ***** *****
20 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * *
21 ***** *****
22 Seward Marine Center Research Vessel 94,400,000 94,400,000
23 Infrastructure (HD 29-31)
24 Student Information Technology Systems 20,000,000 20,000,000
25 - Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (HD 1-
26 40)
27 ***** *****
28 * * * * * Judiciary * * * * *
29 ***** *****
30 Court Security Projects (HD 1-40) 1,130,000 1,130,000
31 Deferred Maintenance Projects (DOT / 3,820,000 3,820,000
32 DOA / DMVA Maintained) (HD 1-40)
HB 283, Sec. 1 HB0283a
1 * Sec. 2. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in Sec.
2 1 of this Act.
3 Funding Source Amount
4 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
5 1002 Federal Receipts 23,750,000
6 1003 General Fund Match 5,565,000
7 1004 General Fund Receipts 1,450,000
8 1169 PCE Endowment Fund 10,000,000
9 1210 Renewable Energy Grant Fund 15,000,000
10 1269 CSLFRF (Fed) Flexible ARP Funding 36,900,000
11 * * * Total Agency Funding * * * $92,665,000
12 Department of Environmental Conservation
13 1002 Federal Receipts 57,934,800
14 1003 General Fund Match 19,500,000
15 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement 658,432
16 1075 Alaska Clean Water Loan Fund 1,000,000
17 1100 Alaska Drinking Water Fund 2,900,000
18 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 500,000
19 * * * Total Agency Funding * * * $82,493,232
20 Department of Fish and Game
21 1002 Federal Receipts 14,800,000
22 1004 General Fund Receipts 2,500,000
23 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement 8,097,616
24 1024 Fish and Game Fund 750,000
25 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 250,000
26 * * * Total Agency F