State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: SCS CSHB 157(FIN)
2022 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 3
(S) Publish Date: 5/18/2022
Identifier: HB157SCSCS(FIN)-DOA-APOC-5-17-22 Department: Department of Administration
Title: APOC; REPORT REFERENDA/RECALL Appropriation: Alaska Public Offices Commission
CONTRIBUTOR Allocation: Alaska Public Offices Commission
Sponsor: RASMUSSEN OMB Component Number: 70
Requester: (S) FINANCE
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2023 Governor's
Appropriation FY2023 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2023 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028
Personal Services 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2
Services 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
Commodities 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 112.2 0.0 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2
Fund Source (Operating Only)
1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2
Total 112.2 0.0 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2 112.2
Full-time 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Change in Revenues
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2022) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2023) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? No
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? Yes
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? 01/01/31
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated to consider the addition of new campaign contribution limits, reporting deadlines, and additional reporting requirements. Also
adjusted the estimated indirect costs of the required position.
Prepared By: Heather Hebdon, Executive Director Phone: (907)276-4176
Division: Alaska Public Offices Commission
REPORT Date: 05/17/2022
Approved By: Leslie Isaacs, Administrative Services Director Date: 05/18/2022
Agency: Depaartment of Administration
Printed 5/18/2022 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: DFsuF
SCS CSHB 157(FIN) - Fiscal Note 3
This bill proposes changes to campaign finance laws that govern financial disclosure related to referendum and recall
campaigns at the state level. These changes would require changes to the electronic filing system and increased workload
for staff. To the extent that the bill expands reporting of contributions to and expenditures from groups who support or
oppose recall and referendum applications, this would require changes to exisiting forms within the online filing program.
Such changes could likely be accomplished by the agency's in-house programmer at little to no extra cost. Requiring groups
who support or oppose recall or referendum applications file earlier and more comprehensively than currently required
would generate increased filings, filer assistance/education, and public scrutiny, resulting in increased staff workload.
This bill also proposes new contribution limits for political campaigns, calls for inflation proofing the new limits by
regulation, changes individual non-resident contribution limits for candidates and political groups, and removes
contribution limits for persons contributing to groups that make only independent expenditures and that do not contribute
to candidate campaigns. The bill further proposes to extend filing deadlines for certain campaign disclosure reports for
sitting legislators, establishes new post-election reporting requirements for any legislative candidate, reduces the time for
filing an administrative complaint alleging violations of campaign finance law from five years to two years, and imposes a
percentage of total contributions based limit for civil penalties assessed against a candidate.
This increment includes 1 FTP (range 14/16, Paralegal I/II) and associated costs.
(Revised 11/23/2021 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
HB157SCSCS(FIN)-DOA-APOC-5-17-22 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: DFsuF

Statutes affected:
HB0157A, AM HB 157, introduced 03/31/2021: 15.13.010, 15.45.020, 15.45.260, 15.45.480, 15.13.050, 15.13.065, 15.13.040, 15.13.110, 15.13.060, 15.13.112, 15.13.114, 15.13.116, 15.80.010, 15.13.400, 15.13.070
HB0157B, AM CSHB 157(FIN), introduced 05/14/2021, passed House 05/19/2021: 15.13.010, 15.45.020, 15.45.260, 15.45.480, 15.13.020, 15.13.030, 15.13.110, 24.60.200, 24.60.260, 15.13.040, 15.13.050, 15.13.065, 15.13.060, 15.13.112, 15.13.114, 15.13.116, 15.80.010, 15.13.072, 15.13.100, 15.13.074, 15.13.374, 15.13.400, 15.13.070, 24.45.091, 24.45.111
HB0157C, AM SCS CSHB 157(JUD), introduced 04/12/2022: 15.13.010, 15.45.020, 15.45.260, 15.45.480, 15.13.020, 15.13.040, 15.13.050, 15.13.065, 15.13.110, 15.13.060, 15.13.112, 15.13.114, 15.13.116, 15.80.010, 15.13.072, 15.13.100, 15.13.074, 15.13.374, 15.13.380, 15.13.390, 15.13.400, 15.13.070, 24.45.091, 24.45.111, 39.50.020, 15.25.030
HB0157D, AM SCS CSHB 157(FIN), introduced 05/17/2022: 15.13.010, 15.45.020, 15.45.260, 15.45.480, 15.13.020, 15.13.040, 15.13.050, 15.13.065, 15.13.110, 15.13.060, 15.13.112, 15.13.114, 15.13.116, 15.80.010, 15.13.070, 15.13.072, 15.13.100, 15.13.074, 15.13.374, 15.13.380, 15.13.390, 15.13.400, 19.25.105, 24.45.091, 24.45.111, 39.50.020, 15.25.030
HB0157E, AM ccs sb 131, introduced 05/18/2022: 15.13.010, 15.45.020, 15.45.260, 15.45.480, 15.13.020, 15.13.040, 15.13.050, 15.13.065, 15.13.110, 15.13.060, 15.13.112, 15.13.114, 15.13.116, 15.80.010, 15.13.070, 15.13.072, 15.13.100, 15.13.074, 15.13.374, 15.13.380, 15.13.390, 15.13.400, 19.25.105, 24.45.091, 24.45.111, 39.50.020, 15.25.030
HB0157B, AM CSHB 157(FIN), introduced 05/14/2021: 15.13.010, 15.45.020, 15.45.260, 15.45.480, 15.13.020, 15.13.030, 15.13.110, 24.60.200, 24.60.260, 15.13.040, 15.13.050, 15.13.065, 15.13.060, 15.13.112, 15.13.114, 15.13.116, 15.80.010, 15.13.072, 15.13.100, 15.13.074, 15.13.374, 15.13.400, 15.13.070, 24.45.091, 24.45.111